iPhone 4S on Tracfone, a Personal Experience

You may be wondering why I am writing about an old iPhone 4S. Isnt everyone rushing out to get a new iPhone 6 or 6 plus? You are probably asking what the heck is this Tracfone thing? This is just another one of my personal experiences that I felt was worth sharing with our MyMac reader audience.

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Drunk On The Apple Kool-Aid

Love them or loathe them, the community of Apple users are passionate about upgrading their hardware on a regular basis. Although, it is often beyond reason and common sense. It is a sickness that borders on obsessive compulsive behaviors.

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So Here We Go Again – MyMac Podcast #429

Apple gives to Hurricane Sandy relief maybe not until it hurts, but generously. On the home front, Guy might not go to the Macworld Expo and is unable to find his Time Machine. Gaz’s Finder issues may have been solved by NOT turning off his Mac Mini. Guy’s hatred of analysts persists with every stupid they say, Samsung sells more Galaxy SIII’s than Apple sells iPhone 4S’s in a single quarter, and Foxconn may build a plant in the US he yeah right!

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Musubo – Review

Musubo’s cases for iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S are stylish and provide a double layer of protection. The Retro has an exterior hard shell and interior silicon case The Sneaker case provides protection via silicon bumper and a rigid back panel (sole) made of  thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) designed to look like the tread of a sneaker. The Retro and Sneaker  cases are both priced at $34.99.

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The Zombies Make a Comeback – MyMac Podcast #376

Stoplight Network goes LIVE for the MyMac Podcast in this episode. Guy gets an iPhone 4S and has syncing problems not resolved without goats, Zombie games make a splash in a big way, why big PC makers are getting out of the tablet business, and Tim Vining creator, animator of Star Trek: Aurora comes on the show to talk about how he did an hour long fully animated Star Trek show in ONLY six years!

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Mobius Solar iPhone Rechargeable Battery Case – Review

The Eton Mobius is a charger for the iPhone 4 and 4S that offers two methods for extending the life of your phone•s battery. Slip your phone into the Mobius case and use the provided device connector to charge the Mobius’ lithium battery and your phone off a USB port. Or, flip the case over and let the sun recharge the battery using the Mobius• solar panel.

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Hijack! – MyMac Podcast #372

Guy and Gaz left the studio door unlocked, and the podcast has been hijacked by Scott, Peter, and Patrick. Since Guy and Gaz always proclaim each new episode of MyMac as one of the longest ever, this time it really is! We talk about our experiences with Lion upgrades, Final Cut Pro X, and the iPhone 4S, iOS 5, and iCloud.

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