VisionTek USB Pocket SSD External Pocket Drive – Nemo Memo

The future is here. You can copy large quantities of data from a computer onto fast, small, external SSD thumb drives that can be shuttled between home, work, school, and everywhere else. VisionTek’s affordable and rugged models come in two capacities and prices. Never again will lack of space or slow transfer speeds inhibit data portability.

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Apotop AP-U2, CableJive dockBoss air v8.13, Beacon Audio Phoenix 2 – Nemo Memo

There are three ways product reviewers respond to all the gadgets and gizmos we receive: dislike and send them back promptly, use them for a while but not long-term, or keep them forever even if it means parting with hardly-earned cash. The new and favorite items discussed below can be proud to be in the latter group.

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Macally WIFISD, IOGEAR MediaShair, Kanex meDrive – Nemo Memo Comparison

How low can you go? Does it make sense to save money and purchase a low-capacity iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch, then extend its capacity using a wireless remote storage solution? With fast and cheap flash drives and USB external drives available, is it preferable to be thrifty when buying iOS hardware, and extravagant when considering the new types of remote and wireless personal file servers that are being released monthly?

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Bane (The Dark Knight Rises Limited Edition) X Mimobot Review

Nobody can argue the recent popularity and publicity surrounding Christopher Nolan’s final installment of the Batman trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises. While reviews about the film and its characters may be mixed, it’s hard to say that the merchandising of Batman-related products hasn’t been a success. Mimoco has just added the characters of Batman and Bane from The Dark Knight Rises to its popular line of character-themed USB 2.0 flash memory drives.

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MacAlly PowerLink 3-In-1 Battery Pack

Have you ever been caught out in the wild with a dead, or nearly dead battery? Did you forget to bring the wall charger, or a cable to connect to your laptop to recharge? Do you need a flash drive to swap an important file with a co-worker? If you answered yes to any of the above, take a look at MacAlly’s PowerLink for iPhone. It’s a small, easy to pack dongle that combines an emergency iPhone battery, a 2 GB flash drive, and a USB passthrough to connect the iPhone to a computer.

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