MailShot Pro for iOS Review

I’m involved in several local outreach groups, and I communicate with them regularly using email. Recently I ran into a little problem while trying to do a “group” mail using my iPad instead of my iMac. I discovered that I could not just click on a group in mail and bring the entire group contacts into the “To or Cc/Bcc” address block.

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Take Control of Apple Mail in Snow Leopard

Book Review – Take Control of Apple Mail in Snow Leopard ebook

Take Control of Apple Mail in Snow Leopard is 133 pages, and covers every conceivable aspect of Apple’s Mail application. The book walks you through setting up accounts, reading and searching messages, address and contact handling, sending email, encryption and signed email options, managing mailboxes, synchronizing mail across multiple devices, and many more Mail related topics.

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If you are like me you have more than one email account. I have several. I use Apple’s Mail for my main/personal account and Mozilla Thunderbird for my other accounts. For the most part I have been happy with Thunderbird, but it has become very slow and clunky- especially when replying. I am always on the lookout for a new email program, so when the opportunity arose to test Postbox, I took it.

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Review – PowerMail 6

For the first few years that I was using a Mac, I used Claris Emailer, versions 1 and 2, which quickly became my email program of choice. In 1998 when Apple lost interest in Emailer, I searched around for a replacement and found PowerMail 2.0.3 by CTM Development.

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Can an iPhone Replace a Laptop on Vacation?

Recently, my husband and I flew across the country to the Napa Valley for a vacation. I don’t usually bring a laptop with me. This time, however, I had an iPhone. Would that be enough to keep me up-to-date and lessen my computer catch-up time when I got home?

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MailPlane – Review

MailPlane makes working with Gmail accounts through the web as smooth and comfortable as dealing with email using a standard mail client such as Apple Mail. A review from new writer Scott Willsey!

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Initial Reactions to Mail and Stationary

One of the upgrades that I looked most forward to for my business was Apple’s new Mail Stationery feature. I’ve always wanted a way to send graphic emails as opposed to simple text-based letters. I’ve tried using various programs – both web-based and 3rd party applications, but all of them were too time consuming for simply creating a few graphic personal or business letters that I wanted to do right within my Mail application.

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Mac Simple 1
Making a Signature for Your eMail

Want to learn how to use your actual hand-written signature in your email? Dan’s new colume, Mac Simple, kicks off with an easy to follow how-to on just that. An ongoing series of Macintosh How-Tos. Check it out!

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Macspiration 61
Bouncing Email

SPAM, or junk email is a growing problem that is not going away. For some it is worse than others. There are several ways you can fight SPAM. Some of these methods are free, others will cost you money. One is totally free, and long dismissed by many. This is the bounce feature of Apple’s Mail. I used to dismiss it too, until recently.

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Email “Stamps”?!

Mr. Bill Gates proposes ‘Stamps’ for email. Mr. Gates believes that since we pay to mail our regular mail, we should pay to email

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