The House That Went On Strike (Original Story) iOS App – Book Review

Patricia Schroeder, best known for her political achievements, narrates Rania Ajami’s story beautifully. You will be whisked away into a fantasy world full of life lessons for the entire family. Each page has a story to tell beyond the text. Children and adults alike will appreciate the interactive backgrounds that bring the characters of the house and its appliances to life.

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TidBITS Take Control of Mail eBook – Review

Reading email is something everyone does with their iPad. The Mail app is arguably one of the most used apps on any iOS device. Most of the time, reading mail is a painless exercise. There are times when it can be downright aggravating too. TidBITS Publishing’s Take Control Series of eBooks has the answer to just about any question you may have about iOS Mail in Take Control of Mail on the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, by Joe Kissell.

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Apple Training Series: iMovie ’11- Ebook Review

If you’re like me, your knowledge of any version of iMovie is just enough to make a decent little movie. No frills or sophisticated editing, just a bit of “splicing and dicing” to create a finished product. I’ve always wanted to learn more about iMovie and how I can make my movies more interesting to watch. To that end, I read Apple Training Series: iMovie ’11 by Dion Scoppettuolo. You should, too.

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Kindle Fire: The Missing Manual – Book Review

The days of receiving a manual with a product are over. Some companies supply help by way of a PDF downloaded with an application. Others include a short Get Started guide that gives just the basics of the hardware. Amazon is no different with their Kindle devices, which is why Peter Meyers wrote Kindle Fire: The Missing Manual.

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Visual QuickStart Guide: iCloud – Book Review

When Lion and iOS 5 were released, I timidly stepped into the Apple iCloud experience and began using some of its offerings. Although I still do not use all of the iCloud features, what I have chosen to enable has been through my own trial and error approach. For those of you that have not yet ventured into the iCloud, the iCloud: Visual QuickStart Guide will definitely allow this to happen with ease.

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Take Control of Apple Mail in Snow Leopard

Book Review – Take Control of Apple Mail in Snow Leopard ebook

Take Control of Apple Mail in Snow Leopard is 133 pages, and covers every conceivable aspect of Apple’s Mail application. The book walks you through setting up accounts, reading and searching messages, address and contact handling, sending email, encryption and signed email options, managing mailboxes, synchronizing mail across multiple devices, and many more Mail related topics.

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Kindle Wireless Reading Device – Review

No, I wasn’t looking for one of these. Ebook (eBook? ebook?) readers have always been seriously lacking in both design and function, as well as services. Kindle seems to be different, however. Perhaps you should take a look too, because Steve Jobs may have been mistaken when he said that nobody reads anymore.

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