Universal USB 3.0 4K Laptop Docking Station w/4K DisplayPort – Review

Portable computers are very popular, sometimes more popular than their desktop equivalent. The counterpart of using a portable computer is that you are limited in number of ports and extensibility. Thanks to USB 3.0 and StarTech Universal USB 3.0 4K Laptop Docking Station w/4K DisplayPort you can eliminate some of those limitations.

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Kensington PowerLift Back-up Battery, Dock and Stand – Review

The black and chrome battery charger is lightweight and compact, and easily slips into a pocket, purse, or camera bag. The unit measures 2.5″ x 2.3″ x 0.7″ and weighs 1.75 ounces. The device has a built-in USB cable that neatly tucks into the rear of the charger and has a power check button to indicate battery status. The dock connector is compatible with all recent generations of the iPod and iPhone. I also found that it charged my iPad 2 in a acceptable amount of time although the specifications do not mention the iPad. That was a pleasant surprise.

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MyMac Podcast #324 – A Bundle of Mac Joy!

Gaz isn’t feeling well but soldered on for the show. David Cohen from TechFan gives us some grief for our opinions on eMagazines from last week. We do our Christmas picks for Apple user in your family (maybe that’s you!), and we wonder just what Apple is going to do with all that new space in Cupertino?

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