BakBone Tablet Ring – Review

iPads and other tablets are rapidly becoming part of mobile data entry in industry, hospitals, construction, reporting, inventory management, and at home. Occam’s Razor is a 12th Century principle that states when solving problems, the solution with the fewest assumptions is often the best. So it is with the new BakBone tablet ring. A tablet is awkward to hold with one hand while you are working. BakBone provides a simple, effective solution.

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MyMac Podcast – Macworld Expo day 1 – In the Groove at the Macworld Expo

It’s day 1 so the gang is in full swing covering the Expo. We complain about hotel WiFi, Guy’s problem remembering things that prevent him from actually doing work, and we talk about some of the developers we saw. Another conversation with Larry from OWC and floor show interviews! It’s just like being here except without the long flight and bad food!

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