Gaz is off watching cars race that DON’T belong to NASCAR (the HORROR!) but Karl Madden comes on to talk about the future of
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MXL USB microphones – Audiocast Review – Studio 1 Red Dot and AC-404
 MXL USB microphones – Audiocast Review – Studio 1 Red Dot and AC-404 MXL Studio 1 Red Dot USB Microphone $85 to $100 Internet
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134th’s time the charm – MyMac Podcast #446
Gaz is REALLY cheesed off at O2 and Guy finally, maybe, just perhaps has Audio Hijack Pro, Skype, GarageBand, and SoundBoard set up so that it will all work correctly without a single problem! Sheyeah right. Big discussion about Google’s Pixel laptop device wait touch screen oh whatever it is, the GMen talk about it. Also Mrs. Nemo OBVIOUSLY rules the tech roost in their household. Apparently also Microsoft can’t even get people to steal their products. Good thing I guess since that means no one will drive a car through their storefront windows.
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Just a Couple of Regular Blokes – MyMac Podcast #382
A complaining email gets answered (it’s not always about peace and love darn it) and Gaz can’t remember that 1password (see what I did there?) for work so goes back in Time to find it. We finally get around to a few questions from James about how we do the podcast and what we do it with and Jonny Ive get’s Knighted and Guy gets squat. It’s SO unfair!
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The (Mac) App Store – Finally!
My initial impression of the App Store? It’s great. Just what I was hoping for when I made my prediction a few years ago. Better, even! But as great as it is, for it to really be the end all of buying Macintosh applications, Apple needs to relax on some of the types of applications they will allow on it, much like they did with the iTunes App Store.
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Trick or Treat from Apple
Oh Apple, you just LOVE screwing with my head. Just when it seemed like this was going to be year of nothing but iOS and mobile devices (the AppleTV being somewhat of an exception, but since it’s essentially running the iOS it hardly counts), you throw out an invitation for some serious Mac love. So let’s throw out a few predictions of what’s coming on October 20th.
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Review – Photo to Movie
Have you ever created a slideshow of your favorite photos, but wished it could have a little more pizazz? Would you like more control of the motion, transitions, even the music in the slideshow? Let me show you Photo to Movie.
Read MoreTransfer LP records to your computer
A friend recently gave me some LP records, some of which were still sealed in shrink wrap. Since they were in excellent condition, I decided to transfer them to my computer using my USB turntable and Audio Hijack Pro, an excellent $32 program from Rogue Amoeba
Audio Hijack Pro – Review
If you need to record any audio, from any source, at any time from your Mac, Audio Hijack Pro is the program for you. To use a metaphor we are all familiar with, it is like an audio TiVo for your Mac. Read on to find out more about this well designed and useful product.
Nemo Memo
Nemo’s Indispensable Apps
Owen’s great article on essential shareware and freeware got me thinking about my must have software.
Read MoreMyMac Mini Podcast 5
The gangs all here for the fifth MyMacMini podcast, including David Cohen’s Fenestration, Nemo talks backing up and Chocolate, Robert looks reviews the Neuros MPEG4 Recorder 2, and Guy Serle looks at more Must Have widgets
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The Neuros MPEG4 Recorder 2
Audio Hijack Pro
Trader Joes
Carbon Copy Cloner
Roxio Toast 7
Nemo’s Ten Point Tutorial #3
John Nemo shows how to record Audio Feedback for Podcast, Using Audio Hijack Pro