SyncMate7 – Review

  SyncMate7 Eltima Software $39.95 (Personal License for two Macs. Free version with limited functionality and Family and Business licenses available.) SyncMate7 is a

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TechFan #238 – PineHead

Tim Robertson and David Cohen discuss the meaning behind PineHead, CES coverage, Quack Tech. HumanCharger, VR, Oculus Rift, Google Play, Android, Russia, Space Flight,

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TechFan #206 – Naughty Google

What Mac would you buy if your current Mac died? We asked Twitter that question, and this episode features the answers! Also, someone is naughty inside Google, Windows OEM explained, and GarageBand hates Tim this episode.

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Brydge + Keyboard with Speakers – Review

The Brydge keyboard series has an interesting background. Begun over two years ago with a KickStarter campaign, the Brydge keyboard initially received favorable reviews by both consumers and reviewers. However, supply problems arose with the company and things faltered. Fast forward to this year and change came to the Brydge. New ownership took over and looked at what was good and made some changes to update the product line to keep up with the iPad and to provide much improved customer service.

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TechFan #170 – Beating a Dead Horse

Microsoft goes low-end PC, while also laying off 18,000 people. IBM and Apple announces a partnership, Manuel Noriega sues Activision, and we have two top ten list of most evil companies.

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TechFan #165 – WWDC 2014 and More

Tim and David discuss what WWDC means for Apple, rather than going over each new feature introduced this week. We also delve into how the announcements and new OS’s could have a profound impact on the home console market. All that, plus an email from John Nemo sparks a discussion on in-app purchasing and how Android and Window users are getting shafted by an OPEN system.

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TechFan #158 – In-App Podcast

Tim and David spend a lot of time on iOS gaming, in-app purchasing, and more. Amazon is also rumored to be on the cusp of releasing an “Amazon Phone”, and the guys try to decide if that’s a good idea or not. Finally, Tim is sick of the allergies, so if you have a remedy, please let him know!

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TechFan #157 – The Techfan Soldier

David and Tim discuss OWC Radio launching next week, leadership in tech companies, the lack of history in the computer industry, the Samsung S5, Apple history, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, feedback from listener Michael Breed, and more on Office on the iPad.

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TechFan Podcast #149 – Crazy Woz

Tim and David discuss CRAZY WOZ, Sony exiting the PC business and LG thinking about it, Satya Nadella as the new CEO of Microsoft, Bitcoin booted from the Apple App Store, and what is Sapphire-Crystal and how could it change everything?

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