And now a word from our Sponsors – MyMac Podcast #398

Wowsey wow wow! What a busy and long show this week. Guy performs minor surgery on hard drive enclosures and is SHOCKED he can’t buy stuff on Easter Sunday. Gaz goes to the Looe with friends (Sounds like an app to me) and wants to know what’s going on with F1. The Contest sponsors get some loving with Guy and Gaz reading marketing script but unable to do it with a straight face. Oh, and in minor news, some half a million plus Mac users have been hit by malware and are part of a bonnet…WHAT?!? No worries though because the GMEN are here to help (God help us all). Find scripts at the following links to check your Mac.

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BrokeGlass Cell Phone – MyMac Podcast #397

Gaz is back and Guy is so happy he decided to break the glass on his iPhone. Well it wasn’t QUITE like that, but close. Lots of feedback this week from Twitter, FaceBook, and email where the GMen answer some questions about music in the Gazmaz home, the iOSification of the Mac, and what does it take to get your iPad on the big screen in meetings or training sessions. Oh, and yes, Guy changes the way he records the podcast again. The 400th Podcast contest is almost at the close so hurry up and get your FaceBook Likes in before it’s too late.

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Gaz is away so Elisa and Tom will Play – MyMac Podcast #396

Gaz couldn’t make it this week so Elisa Pacelli and Tom Schmidt agree (perhaps against their will) to keep Guy company on the show. Some of the topics include people who throw lawyers at glass doors and a new podcast done by the Tech women of the Stoplight Network. Elisa has a lot to say about Google Play and Tom has an app that falls somewhere between Halo and Microsoft Word. Qualified beta testers should contact him at All this, PLUS an interview with Drew Domkus of the Dawn and Drew show!

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Apple is Cooking – MyMac Podcast #394

Gaz orders an iPad while Guy gives away an iPod Touch to his sister. Arnie gets REAL tired of Guy being unable to pronounce his name and takes drastic measures. We know we know, you’ve heard ALL about the new iPad and AppleTV well not yet you haven’t until the GMen give their view. Also why let technical details keep you from installing the new iOS iPhoto app on your iPad 1st gen? Confused? You won’t be after this episode of the MyMac Podcast.

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Full of, well, STUFF – MyMac Podcast #392

No big agenda this week, just lot’s of little things that add up to one crazy show. Guy finally breaks down and gets a Magic TrackPad but is somewhat unsure of just how it works without all those pesky wires all roll-y pointy things. The GMen are thankful they don’t play with lightsabers and go into a few different Video Sharing sites. Erick Diaz sides with Gaz and the Macs aren’t going anywhere debate, JollyJap wants to find some battery conditioning software in an audio question, and instead of an app pick, Gaz has some useful tips and tricks.

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