Sweeping the floor, Day Two

While one could spend a month investigating all the great booths in the South Hall, it’s time to move on.

The North Hall has its own unique feel. It’s quieter, and less frenetic. I wouldn’t say the North Hall is calm, but it doesn’t have the “gotta get to the next booth and get more free stuff” feel of the South side.

The real reason to check out the North side is to get up close and personal with application developers and company CEOs. You won’t be able to schmooze Adobe CEO Bruce Chizen at Adobe booth (is he even at the Expo?), but you can schmooze Bare Bones Software CEO Rich Siegal to your heart’s content. He can tell you more than any sales or PR person about BBEdit, as he’s coded much of it. (Full disclosure; this blog was written with BBEdit.)

I met Lemke Software’s Thorsten Lemke, Fetch Softworks’s Jim Matthews, and YouSendIt’s Florian Brody. Brody was more than willing to chat, as the booth, while well-attended, was not overstuffed with people. Look for a review of YouSendIt sometime soon.

It was refreshing to be able to walk without engaging in a game of human bumper-cars in the aisles. That alone makes a trip “up North” worthwhile!

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