Dreams come in many colors and flavors. Early and late morning dreams differ from early and late afternoon dreams, as much as they differ from night direams. Most of my dreams are about places, travelings, extraordinary people, – and women i have either known or imagined. Being in improving and declining health, and in forced retirement these past few years, I have had ample opportunity to sample all of these kinds of dreams.
So this latest dream is a bit different. Odd, even. It is about a Horta – a creature that becomes fantastically successful with a company that makes movies. So much so, that an old, honorable and large media animation company wants to buy him out, and put him on their board of directors. He agrees and they do so, forming a profitable alliance that benefits them both. Yet the most odd and amazing thing about the Horta is that he soon comes to run and essentially own the company who bought him out.
But Horta has another business, totally different than this first business that he sold for a great profit. This business makes computer and music media products, but they really sell dreams, and their products help people realize their own personal dreams. Yeah, the Horta is very prolific. A genius, even.
But the odd thing is, the big media company that bought Horta’s company now begins to help Horta’s other company, and Horta, being so popular and successful with this larger company, becomes its president and chairman.
Then he merges this large media company he now runs, with the company he owns which makes computer products and dreams. And the profits and popularity of his new company grows beyond anyone’s expectations, soon owning the media and computing market.
But then there is this other company, very large and wealthy, but whose software products frankly stink. No one is sure how this very large company ever got so big and rich off of its products, especially since they always competed with the Horta’s second company. And Steve’s, uh, I mean, the Horta’s company gets so successful that the owner of this other company askes him to help them. He sells the Horta a large stake in his own company, and invites the Horta to be on his board of directors. So eventually, the Horta ends up owning and running this other comapny too.
Now the Horta owns three of the bigest and richest companies in the world, and he mergest them into the largest media and computing conglomerate the world has ever seen.
But far from being a frightful monopoly that is to be feared, everyone uses and loves their media, computer and software products. People are happy and productive. Our country’s economy vastly improves and the politics of the world stablizes. The standard of living for all people improves too. Education comes to every child. Poverty and hunger are in decline. Even the old owner of this other company devotes all his time and wealth to helping this happen.
And, although the Horta never holds a public office, his dreams and ideas, and his astonishing ability to own the companies who buy him out, has led to a much better world for us all.
Interesting dream, huh? Do you think this is going to be his legacy? If Disney buys out Pixar, do you think Steve will end up running Disney? They could do a lot worse than letting Steve run it. If he does, will he merge Disney with Apple? If Apple grows so big in the market, do you think Steve will end up helping, sitting on the board, and eventually running Micro$oft too?
Let me know in ten years time. Then I will tell you if any of my strange dreams have prognostication value or not.
Meanwhile, I got to tell the doctor to start cutting down on my meds.
Roger born
“Film at 11.”
BTW, “Horta” has no meaning in the English language. It can be therefore used to mean whatever you assign it to mean. I am not the first to use the word, though. One of Roddenberry’s writers beat me to it thirty years ago.
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