Stupid is as stupid does..

This is a story you’ve probably already heard. I’ll summarize for those who are link averse. Woman tries to pass a fake million dollar bill at her local Wal-Mart without success.

Okay, that’s pretty funny. My big question is how was she planning to carry the change? I suppose she was hoping for a $500,000 bill, four $100,000 bills and the remaining $98,325 on a Wal Mart gift card.

She had, it is reported, two more million dollar bills. I usually only roll with a mill, mill five but I can see why you’d want three million dollars if you were gonna be away from the house for awhile. Nothing more embarrassing than having to stiff a waiter on a tip because you’re running a little low on cash. I bet she was planning on hitting the gas station next, you know: top off, get some cooler ranch doritos, a case of beer and one of those giant beef jerky strips. That kinda of stuff will cost you down at the seven eleven. I’d bet you’d have about a fifty buck tab. I can see it now: She whips out one of the remaining millers and takes the change in lottery tickets. My advice: hit the gas station before the Wal Mart, that way you’ll know you’ll beat the dusk deadline and the “no bills larger than $20 accepted after dark” sign.

TV pick of the night: Sandwiches that You Will Like I’ve never seen the show but the title is so awful I am intrigued. Is the title an implied threat? Will something very bad happen if I don’t like the presented sandwiches? If anyone watches the show drop me a line.

Amusing game everyone has already played: Guess the Sit-com character/Dictator. Yeah, you’ve played it but not for awhile. Trust me, it’s still fun.

Cool link of the day: A place for my stuff Excellent!

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