STM DUX iPad mini 4 Case – Review

DUX iPad mini 4 Case
Price: $50 U.S.
Company: STM Bags

Apple makes wonderful products, and we know how it is important to protect them from scratches even for normal usage. This review will look at the DUX iPad mini 4 case.

I bought my first iPad mini early in 2016 after years of buying the larger iPad size. When shopping for a case, the DUX iPad mini 4 case was one that caught my attention. I bought a mini to have a small and easy to manipulate device, and I did not want to have a case that was doubling its size. The DUX iPad mini 4 case is perfect in that way, because it is barely adding to the size of the iPad and still offers very good protection.


It it similar to the Apple Smart Case. When I was shopping I realized Apple did not update the Smart Case for the iPad mini 4 (they only offer Smart Cover and Silicone Case for the iPad mini 4.) The DUX iPad mini 4 case has an advantage to Apple’s design by having a clear window on the back letting you see the color and Apple logo of your iPad. It is offered in six different colors: black, blackberry, blue, magenta, pesto, and red.


The way this case works as a stand is different from Apple’s Smart Case. It uses a magnet to attach the screen protector to the back of the case. That same magnet is used to maintain the case closed, and the cover has a magnet system to turn your iPad on/off as well (ON position will only work without Touch ID activated.)


Two notches on each side of the case help maintain it in either typing or viewing position. The DUX tends to be unstable when touching the screen in either portrait or landscape. I got used to it, but in the first few weeks of usage it was annoying. Maybe adding magnets to the cover and notches will help give it stronger stability.

STM says that this DUX and what it protects can survive a drop test of 6.6 feet and is also water resistant to occasional spills. I have, as you may guess, not tested either. They show a video on their YouTube channel of multiple drop tests with the device still working at the end. Impressive!

We all know that the most sensitive part of the iPad is the screen. When I look at the design, I can see the border of the case surrounding the screen is almost 1/4’’ thick, giving good protection to the screen. This border is slightly in the way when trying to disclose the notification or control center when in landscape position, as the space is tighter.


Overall I like the DUX iPad mini 4 case. It is comfortable to use, protects the device adequately, and it does not add too much weight and size to the iPad. The DUX is also available for other models and sizes of iPad.

MyMac Review Rating: 8 out of 10

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