STM Cable Wrap – Review

STM Cable Wrap
Company: STM
Price: $25.00


Guest reviewer: Shane Pacelli

I just got back from taking an incredible seven day cruise to the Bahamas. On that cruise, I brought the STM Cable Wrap. As the name says, it is designed to hold all of your chargers and cables. In that bag, I put my Kindle charger, iPhone charger, digital camera and charger, an extra battery pack, and, I threw some mints in so I wouldn’t have bad breath!

The bag folds up nicely and has a buckle to lock all of your products in place. When you unbuckle the STM Cable Wrap and flatten it out, it has one wide pouch with a zipper on one side, three decent size pouches, and three very small pouches in the middle, and two pouches with no zipper on the other side. If you have several chargers, the bag will get bulky. The buckle loosens up easily so that you have room to lock everything into place.


Its a great bag to use if you need to store many different chargers. Everyone has had that moment when they cant find a certain charger in the bottom of their suitcase or backpack, or the cables are tangled up and look like a bowl of spaghetti. With the STM Cable Wrap you wont have that problem ever again.

In addition to chargers, the STM Cable Wrap can store portable hard drives, thumb drives, SD cards, business cards any type of small electronic accessory that can get lost in the shuffle. I highly recommend this product to anyone that has to carry many chargers for many different electronics. Review Rating: 9 out of 10

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