Steve’s WWDC Keynote & the 3 Legged Stool

Steve’s WWDC Keynote & the 3 Legged Stool

By Dan Rodriguez

Was it just me or did everyone miss it when Steve Jobs spoke about the three things that Apple, Inc. is involved in? There he was with a picture of a stool telling us about the three legs : 1. Macs, 2. Music and 3. iPhone. Three legs? I don’t know about you, but I have never seen a stool with three legs. Which begs the question. What is the fourth leg? What other thing does Apple have up it’s sleeve?

One possibility is movies and television shows which Apple already is involved with via iTunes and Apple TV, but why not mention it? Why purposely hide the fourth leg? I think Apple is working on something entirely different and I don’t have a freaking clue what that might be. It’s actually driving me nuts! Does anyone have any idea what it may be or am I blowing this completely out of proportion? What do you think?

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