I would assume that among all the millions of Mac lovers who come here to MyMac, there might be also some Science Fiction fan(atics), who also like Stargate?
The 2 hour Season Premiere of SH-1 was last week on the SciFi channel.
However, it will be shown again, beginning at 6 PM Pacific time, and will be followed by the 2 hour Premiere of Stargate Atlantis on Friday, the 16th of July (tomorrow). Along with a behind-the-scenes show and another episode, there is enough new Stargate on TV tomorrow night to fill up a VCR tape!
Is anyone planning to see it, or having a Stargate party?
Or are you going to the movies to watch I, Robot instead?
While we are at it, what is your favorite SciFi show or story?
(The Coneheads don’t count . . . well. OK. Count them too. I like them also.)
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