R. to Staff
To all of my MyMac friends…and especially to the really frustrated ones who were driven crazy by my holdout from purchasing the iPod Touch, I send this message:
Today I went to the Apple store here in NH and bought, yes you read that right, and bought a brand spank-in shiny new 32 GB iPod Touch G2!
I brought it home about 30 minutes ago where is was immediately confiscated by my wife.
It is now safety tucked away somewhere waiting for my kids to hand it to me for my birthday next Thursday.
I guess I should have thought ahead…..
Oh, well…soon.
D. to staff
So close and yet…
W. to staff
Congrats on your new (next week) iTouch… Happy Early Birthday, by the way!!!
B. to staff
This is the time when you go, “AAARRRRGGGHHH!” Doesn’t that feel good?
O. to staff
Way to go. I just exchanged my 8 GB for the 16 GB, so I will have a new, 16 GB version when I get back from London this weekend.
I love the Touch, a very fun product.
R. to staff
OK..Here is my first Touch question….
All of my address information is on my Palm T3.
I’ve been using Mark Space Missing Sync for years to back up the Palm.
How do I get the addresses from the Palm into the Touch??
I see Mark Space sells a utility to do this…but $25 for a one time app seems a bit stiff.
Anyone ever see anything else I could use??
O. to staff
I had the same [problem]. I wanted all my contacts from my Treo onto my iPod. I did one final import to Entourage (which is what I was using) and then did an export/import from Entourage into Apple Mail, Apple Calendar, and Apple Address Book. That took a short while, and when done, I used Mac Sync to sync my Touch, and everything just came over.
And now that I use all Apple products, and have Mobile Me, the auto sync with the iPod and my other Mac is VERY cool.
C. to staff
Birthday next Thursday eh? You must be almost grown up now. Still like your toys, though, I see.
D. to staff
But what are we going to rag on you about now?
Congratulations and Happy Birthday, Man.
R. to staff
I’m waiting for the next version of Apple TV…you can rag me about that. : – )
I don’t use Entourage, an I am also NOT using Palm desktop.
I am looking forward to the day when everything is synced.
I have different addresses on my T3, MacBook and G5…nothing up at mobile me yet.
T. to staff
Actually, you are already at the day when everything is synced.
Missing Sync synchronizes your Tungsten T3 with Address Book & iCal. iTunes synchronizes the iPod touch with Address Book & iCal. You already did it.
T. to staff
Didn’t you get Missing Sync to sync your T3 with Address Book & iCal instead of Palm Desktop? Maybe I’m misunderstanding something…
R. to staff
A quick check of MS tells me I had that sync shut off.
I guess I should sync all of them, then I can get the new Touch to sync up with my Mac Desktop address book and all should be good.
Thanks T. …
More goods news…My wife has taken pity on me (sad face works real well) and I will get the Touch tomorrow!!!
T. to staff
I just have to get my daughter to want something. That’s how we got our Wii. My wife even bought it, as dead set against it as she had been.
R. to staff
Had the same issue with the WII we bought for my boys. My wife was dead set against it.
We manage their time on it quite closely.
RB to staff
Hey, glad you have gotten the Touch. Your addiction begins today. Happy B-Day, Bro!
My wife bought her Touch from Walmart almost a year ago. Now she has a new second gen iPhone and I have her Touch. I tell you, it has come to me that I cannot live without it. I have my music, my ebooks (my whole scifi library), my games, my email, and my set of websites I visit all the time. How did I ever live without a Touch before? Before, I always had my PowerBook on my lap anywhere in the house, but with the Touch, it goes to bed and other places with me too, where the laptop did not.
This is a bad thing, no? Before I just used the laptop and put it down, and did something else. Now I sit outside in the garden and use the Touch to keep in touch with everyone, and to visit my forums and to surf the web. OK, I am also addicted to several games on the Touch too. Being on forced retirement, the Touch has made my life much fuller than it was before, and before I thought it was full enough.
The only thing I cannot do on the Touch is write, which is why I am on my PowerBook right now, with the Touch in my shirt pocket. No big deal here. I write when my muse slaps me upside the head, which can be at any moment. But for the rest of the time, I am free to be on my Touch, and I am.
The other thing that bugs me a bit is using my Touch to listen to music. I hate the little earbuds (too big for some ears), and any regular headphones cannot be used with the Touch (because the sound signal output is too small for big headphones), so I put my Touch into my little $40 Phillips boombox (also from Walmart) so I can listen to music or Ambience (free App Store app with soundtracks of rain and waterfalls).
The problem is, when the Touch is in the boombox, I cannot play a game or surf the web with it. The boombox is also the charger for the Touch, so it goes there often. Nah. I am not going to get another Touch to play with while this one is charging. I just use my trusty old laptop instead.
Do I still long for a NETBOOK from Apple to take the place of both my Touch and my laptop? Not as much as I once did. These two together give me all I want from a computing device. Maybe I am ready to admit it, that Apple got the whole thing right.
Nice going Apple.
R. to Staff
Thanks for the B Day greet.
I can’t wait to break this thing out of the box.
Why can’t you connect headphones to your Touch?
What games do you like?
RB to staff
I have tried a few of the larger headphones on the iPods, the iPhone and the Touch. None of them have much sound volume coming out of the headset speakers. The speakers are just too big for the tiny signal coming from these small devices. The earbuds are designed to take the signals and amplify them correctly, so that you can get a good and clear sound experience from the iPods. But, since I have problems putting those earbuds in my ears for any length of time, I use the old boombox. I can then plug a regular set of read headphones into that, and listen all i want in private (my wife does not share my choice of music to listen to). Or if I am by myself, I just crank up the volume on the boomer and listen all I want. Being hard of hearing, it does get loud. But the cops have yet to break down my door.
As for games, besides my son Chris and his two games on the Apps Store, I love Michael Howard’s free Moonlight Mahjong Lite and Konstantin’s FreeCell Lite version of Klondike Solitare. I also play PopCap’s free version of Bejewelled, but hate the prolific ads they put into it. All of these are addictive, i fear. Oh well, they do help pass the time under chemo. =)
But, you know what I think it is about this Touch? It brings out the same feelings and emotions that I had with the very first Macintosh. Remember how you felt using those? So liberating, and so much fun! Whether you have a Touch or an iPhone, these are seminal, world-class products that are light-years ahead of everyone else. Apple has done it again. Wowser!
D. to staff
I got the Soyo HS11 (Link to Amazon) $30
According to the booklet, it’s supposed to be compatible with other bluetooth speakers and receivers. But I only use the earpieces that came with it. I’m waiting for a bluetooth radio for my car.
The quality is not the hi-est fi but it’s perfectly adequate for me.
RB to staff
You might enjoy THIS instead of waiting for a bluetooth device for your car. The Belkin holds the Touch in a neat base pad and the whole thing plugs into the outlet on your dash, while sending the signal wirelessly (actually a radio frequency) to your in-dash radio. This is the best I have seen for in-car use with any iPod. There is no cord, and no need to be looking for a safe place to put your iPod or iPhone so that it doesn’t become a projectile in a sudden stop. Cheaper than bluetooth, and the stereo quality is excellent.
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