Sponsor News

June 29th 2006, Trans International announces it’s first SATA to FireWire miniXpress Portable External drive. The miniXpress will begin shipping on July 10th 2006.

Utilizing the latest Serial-ATA to FireWire, Hot pluggable and Bus powered technology. the MiniXpress solves the MacBook and MacBook Pro internal drive upgrade issue of utilizing the replaced drive. With Trans’ miniXpress Portable enclosures, users can upgrade their MacBook and MacBook Pro with larger capacity drives. They can then install the replaced drive in a miniXpress and use it as back up or added storage.

miniXpress potable rugged yet stylish cases are made with Aluminum assuring durability and heat dissipation. Equipped with Anti Shock mechanism and Triple interface (F800/F400/USB) makes miniXpress an ideal and versatile solution for portable external storage.

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