Speedliter’s Handbook – Learning to Craft Light with Canon Speedlites
Book Review

Speedliter’s Handbook  –  Learning to Craft Light with Canon Speedlites
By Syl Arena
Peachpit Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-321-71105-2
391 pages
US $49.99, CAN $59.99

The Speedlite series flash is a must for Canon camera owners. Considering the vast amount of information contained in the Speedliter’s Handbook by Syl Arena, this book is obligatory reading for beginner and intermediate users (and maybe some pros as well). The comprehensive list of technical tips and tricks  alone is invaluable.

Unless you have an unlimited budget or you are a pro shooting for National Geographic , it’s very unlikely that you will buy or have access to all the featured accessories available for the Speedlite. To solve that, Arena also introduces the reader to cheap, not-too-glamorous solutions that are widely used by professionals in the industry. For example, you will learn the value of Cinefoil and the photographers best friend, Gaffer’s tape, to achieve the desired results.

As an amateur or a photo aficionado you will benefit from the convenient placement of boxes highlighting Speedliter’s Tips, Speedliter’s Jargon and Geek Speak. What kind of batteries should you use? Why rely on Manfrotto and Avenger tripods? Simple questions, and Arena has the answers in plain  English. But he will also take you into a more arcane realm when he addresses such unexpected topics as  “Mixing Speedlites When Gang Lighting.”

In short, this handbook is one you can grow with as your body of knowledge increases and your questions become more complex.

MyMac Review Rating: 8 out of 10

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