“Soul Glacier”

“Hey, all you do is use this blog to pimp your other work!”

Gimme a break, I’ve been busy. This morning I woke up from a dream and sat right down to write this thing without even eating breakfast. I took a break at 10:30 a.m. for saltines & peanut butter washed down with more hot coffee, but that was it. I had to take one other break to let the TiBook charge (just had to keep sitting in the warm room with wood stove), but the piece was all wrapped up by 2:00 p.m.

Anyway, the subject of this post is also the title of my latest GRACK! column at JHFarr.com. If you’re reading this after next week (Feb. 16), you’ll need to click on the image link to get the right essay. There’s an excerpt below the picture …


When I was born, a light opened into my body.

Sitting in a bar the other night in a conversation with two lady poets, I realized with a start that I was riding the same beam. I was telling how I’d come to realize at this late stage that I’ve always felt the same desires. For example, when I found myself in Arkansas in ’71, I’d given up everything (easily then) to come to a beautiful exile in the Ozark woods, driving up the rocky trail in a battered VW bus, happier than I’d ever been before. I wasn’t following a rational plan so much as homing in on something deep inside.

Take a look and see what happens. There’s an embedded song there, too.

[Also posted at FarrFeed. Go see!]

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