So where are the iLife MobileMe updates?

So, now that MobileMe is working (or it seems to be) I decided to see if it had any effect on my website,

My site is a portfolio for my artwork and it has many borders and features from iWeb. As you can see, these frames are now missing. I tried reuploading the site from iWeb and it won’t let me. Each time I get an error.

I suspect this is due to iWeb still being in ,Mac mode. If so, where is the iWeb and the rest of the updates for iLife? These should have been out pre-MobileMe transition, or at the same time.

I have not been impressed with the transition to MobileMe. It doesn’t seem like Apple was very prepared. It took a lot longer than they originally posted, and it now seems like they forgot about iLife.

Are Steve and company to focussed on the iPhone 2.0 software? It is starting to seem that way.

I’ll keep checking Software Update for those iLife updates, Hopefully, they will show up soon.

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