MyMac’s Bruce B. reports 30 inches of snow back East. Yow!
That’s a lot. Back in MD, I always liked it when we got snowed in. We lived in the country, so it was kinda special, all nice and cozy. The trouble always came later, when it partially melted, then refroze, jamming up the gutters, then melted again (but the gutters were full of ice). MAJOR leaks, basement flooding, horrible mud, ruination everywhere. Evil salt on all the roads, washing onto the shoulders and into the groundwater. Bottom line: fun the first time or for the first day and a half, if you didn’t have to go anywhere. After that, “please God make spring come soon!”
We could use some snow in New Mexico. Terribly dry, no snow on the mountains. Bad news for next year if that keeps up. During the first week of January, the Indians at the Pueblo perform the buffalo dance (wearing real buffalo heads, HEAVY mothers, and skins). It’s supposed to bring snow, which is regarded as the breath of life here. The neat thing when it does snow is that it’s usually powder. Dry stuff. Your car can be covered with a foot of it, but all you have to do is hit it with a broom or just blow real hard. Doesn’t stick to your shoes or pants, either, falls right off w/o getting you wet.
The sun always, always, comes out right afterwards — or during! Winter with sunlight and blue skies is more than tolerable, even if it is cold, which it sure the hell is: teens to single digits most nights now.
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