Small Victories.

Last Sunday, the Boston area TV weather people started right in with the usual hype and hoopla, about a “big storm”, supposedly hitting on Tuesday night into Wednesday, dumping six inches to a foot of snow, or more, depending on where you were. Of course, the words “Doppler Weather Radar” were mentioned frequently, say seven or eight times in five minutes.

People paniced at the grocery store. A few towns called off school for Wednesday, because of the “Major winter storm”.

Guess what gang? It didn’t happen! Ahh-Ha-Ha-ha-Ha-Ha! A dusting to two inches at the most, and that’s it! All that hype, all that hoopla, all that grinning at the camera. ( How much are those teeth whitening treatments anyway?)

Ahh, the taste of a small victory..

Of course, it’s only late January. TV weather people will have several more chances to spread panic before the winter is over.

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