SLIMCase Ultra Thin Polycarbonate Case for iPhone 6 & 6 Plus – Review

SLIMCase Ultra Thin Polycarbonate Case for iPhone 6 & 6 Plus
Manufactured by: Designed by Many
Price: $19.99

SLIMCase Translucent  Clear and Smoke variants

The SLIMCase from Designed by Many is a polycarbonate ultra thin snap on rear shell cover for the iPhone 6 or 6 Plus. It is available in Space Gray, Gold, White, Black, Translucent Smoke and Clear Translucent. It comes complete with an mPact film screen protector.

The case itself

I chose the Translucent Smoke cover sight unseen and I was surprised when I unpacked the product that this was a rather darker colour than I had anticipated. That aside I have had no issues with the SLIMCase at all and I have grown to really like it. If I had the choice again I think I would probably choose a different colour, but that’s just me.


Subtle branding on the back and side
Subtle branding on the back and side

Manufactured from Uber Premium Polycarbonate Composite and just 0.6mm thick the snap on cover protects the back and sides of the iPhone from scratches and scrapes. The snap is enough to hold the phone and case together firmly and yet is still very easy to remove with a gentle twist of the case corner to corner. The polycarbonate shell itself has a sort of bead blasted/satin feel finish which helps to increase grip. But it picks up greasy finger marks something terrible; or at least it does until the whole thing collects a kind of all over patina. I am not sure if this is an unpleasant problem… or some sort of personalisation feature! Perhaps I should just give it a coat of teak oil?


The SLIMCase leaves all the ports and buttons well in the clear and doesn’t interfere with any of them at all in my experience. My biggest fear about putting a case onto an iPhone 6 was that it would ruin the rounded edge glass effect. I am pleased to report that after the first day I didn’t really notice the case as it merges almost seamlessly with the curve of the phone.

Power button still perfectly unobstructed
as are the Volume and Mute buttons and all the ports

The mPact screen protector film looks like a good quality product. I didn’t apply it as I don’t like screen films, I never have and I have never yet used one. I can tell you the mPact film comes in the SLIMCase box in its own card envelope. There are installation instructions, a nice Microfibre cloth, what smelled like an alcohol wet wipe when I opened it, some “dust removal stickers”, a small plastic squeegee and, of course, the screen film itself. Interestingly the instructions don’t mention the wet wipe. I have to assume it is to help remove any finger grease before you apply the mPact screen film, as that is what common sense tells me I should do with it. Personally I would use the wipe to degrease the screen, then polish it dry with the microfibre cloth, and then apply the film as per the instructions.

The mPact Screen Protector and all its bits and bobs
The mPact Screen Protector and all its bits and bobs


The SLIMCase from Designed by Many is a good solid product in the “ultra slim” hard snap on case field. I find it light and durable, and I pretty much forget that it was there. The greasy finger marks are a bit of an issue and if you are slightly OCD about that sort of thing then maybe this isn’t the case for you. Other than that I have no complaints.

I give the SLIMCase from Designed by Many a review rating of 8 out of 10.

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