Sites you should bookmark
Here is a random collection of bookmarks from my collection I think you will enjoy.
The Sneeze
One of my favorite websites. I wish Steve would do more of the ever-popular Steve, Don’t Eat It! articles, but most of his site is well with the look.
Part of the huge Weblogs Inc. is Joystiq, which to me is the best blogging video game site on the internet. If you are into video gams at all, bookmark this one.
Since being banned from ebay due to two liars (hey, I had over a 96% rating when they kicked me off!) I have pretty much given up buying from any auction site on the internet. Until I heard about on an NPR podcast. This is all stolen goods recovered by the police, everything from iPods to Jewelry to Art. Hey, even rusty old tools are here! While I have yet to actually bid or buy anything, I do check it out a few times a week.
Good Morning Silicon Valley is another weekly stop, and everything I visit, I think to myself I need to stop by more often. A tech site, it offers really well written and often insightful commentary on Silicon Valley.
LinkedIn. I don’t know why I keep checking this site out, and updating my profile while making new connections. But I do. I would have a hell of a Facebook page if I spent half the time there as I do on LinkedIn. As such, I am always looking to make new connection, so let’s hook up if you are on it! My profile is at
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