Simple But Huge

If I ever get a handle on this, things are gonna rock.

Right now though, life is just too damn full to even go online, much less update a blog. I have more things to say than I could possibly communicate, ever. Even the more mundane aspects of How to Live are pulling me into new dimensions.


Take this, for example: why is it that burning piñon and pine together makes a fire that lasts longer and burns hotter than one built exclusively with one fuel or the other? If you know, don’t tell me — you’ll just spoil things. But consider that I live in a hundred-year-old adobe house with mud floors. There is no central heat. The windows are single-pane, uninsulated glass. I have a kiva fireplace (pictured) and an ancient Ashley wood stove. It was below zero last night! Making all this work is a major accomplishment, but if you look at today’s Fotofeed, you’ll get a feel for what can be done.

(Hmm. I see I’ve been laying it on kinda heavy with the adobe crap. Earlier posts, etc. Well, so be it. I’m telling you though, this is pretty special.)

[Also posted at FarrFeed. Go see!]

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