The GMen and Don McAllister, an Amicable Affair – MyMac Podcast #345

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Don doesn’t have another daughter with an 18th birthday this week, so he couldn’t reasonably get away from the GMen. We talk a bit about his methods and madness when doing screencasts (in the middle of crazy GarageBand delays which screws all of us up). We also chat up a new possible version of Final Cut Pro (which naturally DID happen RIGHT after we finished recording), Jailbreaking iOS devices, and discover that Don is a bit Squirrelly.

QuickOffice for the iPad
Stupid Zombies
Squrl online video management
The Podcast urges all our listeners to please go to iTunes and make a donation to the Red Cross to help with their relief efforts.


Contact info: Drop us a line and let us know you want to be on the show. Gaz and Guy on Twitter, and, or our Skype direct number 703-436-9501. Also go into iTunes and leave some feedback.

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