shopping update

I have a confession to make. This year we broke the family tradition … but it’s not my fault. My husband made me do it. He phoned me at work last Friday and suggested we meet in the city in the evening. Friday night is late shopping night in ‘downtown Brisbane’ (if I were to lapse into American-speak), and there’s always an air of festivity and bonhomie so I readily accepted the invitation.

(Some of my American friends are aghast at the thought of only one late shopping night per week. This only applies to the city centre though … in suburban malls the supermarkets are open every night till 9pm. This is not something I care about much. In fact, I rather hope we don’t become a 24-hr-a-day shopping city. Friday night wouldn’t be special any more.)

Then I realised the purpose of the meeting … he intended that we do our Christmas gift shopping.

I felt guilty. I’d told you all I didn’t shop till Christmas Eve. Yet here we are with still 8 days to go and we’ve bought all our gifts. What next – early lights on the tree perhaps? I would if I could find them.

Another Christmas item I’ve ‘misplaced’ is a lovely ceramic wreath which plays ‘Greensleeves’ in music box tones when you pull a cord. I suppose I’d have to sort through ALL the boxes to find that.

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