I’m looking at the end of a long project. A project that probably shouldn’t have taken near as long as it did but I would write about 10,000 words (that’s roughly forty pages) decide that the thing was horrible and start over. Finally I forced myself to keep going and I’m almost done. The project may never see the light of day but at least I can say I gave it a shot.
Which explains why I haven’t been posting much lately and also explains why people who read mymac on a daily basis have been so very happy lately, No Chris Seibold makes everyone feel better. Well, at least my wife.
Continue on the overly personal stuff? Hey, thanks for asking, don’t mind if I do. A quick book review for you book readers out there:
Today I got a copy of iPod and iTunes Hacks. Color me impressed. I’m so impressed I’m going to give a mini book review right now:
What is the measuring stick for books of greatness? Is it the prose? Perhaps we should be more impressed by the information imparted? In any event the way to tell true greatness is simple: compare the new kid on the block to classic works. Let us not beat around the bush here, let us not pick any so-so classic. No let us compare iPod and iTunes Hacks. to some of the greatest tomes ever written, let us start with War and Peace. Why War and Peace? Not only is it a masterstroke by Tolstoy but it was written in Russian and even the translations rock. Or at least I think they do, never bothered to read it. Trust me when I say that Tolstoy has nothing on Hadley Stern when it comes to iPod info. You can read War and Peace a million times and still not find a decent hack for either the iPod or iTunes.
Winner: iPod and iTunes Hacks.
You might be saying it is not fair to compare a novel to a technically oriented book. You complaint is correct. So how does iPod and iTunes Hacks. stack up to the Principia by Isaac Newton? I challenge you to read The Principia and iPod and iTunes Hacks and then say that reading isn’t easier going in iPod and iTunes Hacks.
So there you have it: two of the greatest works of all time thoroughly tromped by
Pod and iTunes Hacks. iPod and iTunes Hacks I give the book twelve out of a possible five stars.
I guess in the interest of fairness I should note that I am a contributor to the book. Still my neutrality remains unaffected (hacks 5,6 and 93 are quite possibly the greatest use of ink on paper of all time).
Well with the shameless shilling out of the way I guess I can get back to things of less import. Namely the links.
Well before the links I’ve got a couple of things of note:
Topic the A: I live in the shiny jewel placed squarely in the middle of the fist sized buckle of the Bible belt. Well I guess fist sized buckle is a bit of understatement. In any event I had never had the opportunity to witness actively anti religious folks. I had always figured people who weren’t into religion (like myself) didn’t much care what other people believed or said. I mean just because I don’t buy into the animist philosophy doesn’t mean I think animists should be told to keep their views to themselves. Heck no, I believe in freedom, if you’ve got something to say, if you’re hip on Jesus, by all means spout off. Sure I’ll ignore you but I will respect your right to say it. Surprisingly not everyone agrees with me, there are nominal liberals out there who would actually prefer you to not speak your mind on subjects if you include religion. Gotta say I find this disturbing, when supposed liberals are all for shutting people up well then they are just as intolerant as the people they wish to silence. And all this time I thought liberalism was all encompassing. Apparently I’m left with a choice: right wing facism or left winged facism, repugnant options in my opinion. Hmm, like being forced to choose between Pauly Shore or Carrot Top. Egads.
Topic the B:
Hello Kitty is teaming up with Todd for certain murder. My certain murder. More on this in a later post.
Well onto links, and aren’t you glad? Of course you are. The only question left is will I resort to alliteration? Answer=the No. Why not? Just to lazy I suppose, and because I haven’t gotten written permission from The Master lately.
A link so bizarre Tim Robertson said: “Are you deliberately trying to creep me out this morning?” I wasn’t. It is something you could watch at work and all that but something very, very weird:
Poodle Fitness
Star Wars spoofs generally suck. This one doesn’t:
Car Wars
I love it when people pass off gags as real products and folks buy into it. A nice example:
Gun Sights
Subversive Cross Stitch
I’ve got a subversive friend who likes stuff like this. These patterns should provide plenty of satisfaction.
Decent Game:
Caray Snake Annoying music courtesy of Ja-Da
A public service:
Whack your Boss
Well I think that is far too much for today.
Tridiot rating: 119% Tomorrow Lance Armstrong makes an appearance on Overhaulin’
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