Secur Waterproof Solar/Dynamo ED Flashlight—Review

Secur Waterproof Solar/Dynamo ED Flashlight
Company: Secur Products division of Maverick Industries, Inc.
Price: $22.99 (MSRP USA) discounted at online merchants
Model: SP-1002

Click the link or the image to visit the webpage for the product

How complex can it be? It’s a flashlight: you throw the switch and the light comes on!

Well, it is a little more complex than that. This flashlight has three operating modes available from three bright white LEDs. It never needs batteries run it using a single LED, three LEDs, or three flashing LEDs.

The Secur Waterproof Solar/Dynamo ED Flashlight has two charging methods, either from its own solar cell or hand-cranked dynamo. Almost everything you need to know is in a product sheet (auto 520KB download) from the Secūr website.

What this info sheet does not tell you is how useful this flashlight is in the real world. During an extended review period, everything worked as expected and the product fulfilled all requirements admirably. The outstanding feature is that the flashlight performs very well at keeping its charge when unused and being stored for future use. Several other competing brands of this type of device perform less well in this respect. They can all be recharged, but when you need emergency lighting, you want the light source to work now if not sooner!

Secūr Waterproof Solar/Dynamo ED Flashlight SP-1002 in action

The SP-1002 is ideal for keeping on a nightstand, or in vehicle. Boats are a good place, too, because the SP-1002 is waterproof to 45 feet. For pocket and carrying pack use, this versatile flashlight might be a bit too heavy and clunky. That’s not a criticism: it’s the trade-off between features, usability, and form factor that affects any industrial design. If you know ahead of time that your activities will be in darkness, then having the Secur Waterproof Solar/Dynamo ED Flashlight with you as an effective and dependable light source will be more important than its size and weight.

In conclusion

A well-made product at a reasonable price, which does its job.

MyMac Review Rating is 8 out of 10

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