
Yesterday I called my postings “a car wreck” Today I got a message from Joan:

I actually missed your blogs… (snip some stuff)
I think train wreck would be better than car wreck (snip rest of letter)

Joan had her reasons, a car wreck usually involves two cars while train wrecks are huge messes etcetera. All I can say is thanks for crushing the remainder of my fragile egg shell ego Joan, now I can finally get that prozac prescription I’ve been wanting. (Really I love the mail, don’t hesitate to send a missive to, chances are it will be posted in some way or another)

On to less personal stuff.

Like the political stuff? Sure everybody does, it’s especially entertaining when you watch with a feeling of detached bemusement (turns out my time as a political cartoonist is finally paying off). Really this is just a set up for a link I’ve been following lately. I think the analysis is fairly excellent:

How about some Mac-ish stuff?

There is a positive dearth of iMac rumors/speculation. Personally I desire the kind of useless speculation and fake reports from Asian manufacturing concerns that usually precedes a major revamp. I’ve seen nothing, heard no flimsy reports about an Asian manufacturer filling orders for a one millimeter fifty two inch wide bezel. Where are the artist renderings? The leaked photos? The supposed boxes stacked in shrink wrap in every CompUSA that say “Don’t open until September?”

If I have one wish for an iMac it’s that it includes a built in chain saw. I’m not saying it has to be a pro level chain saw, just a nice consumer level deal. Why a chainsaw? Well besides the obvious reasons (home defense, yard work) I’d like to lord it over my Windows pals. See they’re always telling about how Windows XP can do everything a Mac can do. We argue for a time for and they’re usually right… technically. If it comes right down to it and I have something to get done, say make a video, they’ll admit it’s easier on a Mac while maintaining they could, in fact get it done…sooner or later.. I figure the iChainsaw would render this argument obsolete. See I’d just say “Can it cut down a effing tree??” Of course they’s probably say yes, then I’d cut down a tree and they’d try, they’d probably strip some bark off with the motherboard, and point to the oozing sap as evidence that they could, if they upgraded the proc and installed a new hard drive, fell a tree. On second thought I should just hope for the iUzi so I don’t get involved in those conversations anymore.

Watching Celebrity Poker right this second (bad night for TV) and sure enough they said: “Amy has a ten jack off suit” Which cracked me up, I could of sworn they said “Amy has ten..” never mind. Point being why would you even need one?

Time for…well not yet

I love practical jokes, jokes where nobody gets permanently injured. Got one going on right now. It feels great.

Now, surely, time for…

One last thing: Just because the Tour de France is over doesn’t mean Beth should stop posting.

Could it be? Is it possible? All signs point to yes! Chris is shutting his over sized yap ’cause it is time for:

Bling Bling Bailey’s Bastion of Bountiful Links!

Legal Notice Links not actually endorsed by Bailey. Bailey may be impersonated. Bailey may or may not engage in the display of bling bling at the discretion of Bailey. Bailey reserves the right to terminate the offer at any time. Shoes and Shirts must be worn for service. Do not remove this tag under penalty of law.

Great pic from Beth (oh, I’ve still got plenty from Bailey so calm down)

Excellent game:
Well it is an excellent game for most of us, butnot my kid. The son seems a little bit confused on how gravity actually works. I am constantly amazed that he doesn’t suffer some permanent sort of brain damage from all the falls. For most kids the head-meets-floor thing wouldn’t mean much, but the little guy has half my DNA, which means he doesn’t have any brain cells to spare.

Excellent short film:
Nice illustration of blind obediance.

Pretty Cool:
Optical Illusion
Print it out, have fun.

Time for the BL/cks tridiot rating: 111.123% Ran this on a RCA compatible

Bonus Coverage Yes Matt, I know you love the bonus links

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