Safari Wrecked? [Well, No…]

This one will be short, as I’m not at my best when ranting. Bottom line: Safari hangs up half the time now, requiring a force quit at least a couple of dozen times a day.

I can’t say for sure that this started after the 10.5.2 update, but it’s gotten much worse since then. (I’m using an original 1.83 GHz MacBook with 2 gigs of RAM and all the latest Apple software.) The problem is most acute when working with tabbed windows — which the browser simply cannot handle any more — but occurs quite frequently on visiting familiar Web sites with no tabs in use at all.

Maybe there have been changes to the sites I visit regularly, something in the advertising links that crash the browser. It’s certainly possible. I regularly perform all the usual maintenance tasks with Cocktail and always restart once a day. But something, somewhere, has whacked Safari and made it hang.

Let me know if you have had a similar experience. I love Safari and would never bother with anything else.

UPDATE: Maybe complaining helps. All of a sudden, Safari is working again with tabbed windows. I conclude the trouble was something on one of the sites I regularly visit and include in the ones I open in tabs. We shall see…

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