SA6 In Ear Headphones
Company: Sleek Audio
Price: $250
Sleek Audio’s first entry into the crowded arena of portable in ear headphones is in the super-premium $250-plus category. This is a bold and strategic commercial and design decision.
SA6 headphones differ from all other competitors previously on the market, because Sleek’s are "completely adjustable."
• Each ear monitor can be customized separately from four treble and three bass tuning ports.
• Earpiece drivers can be swiveled for comfort and optimum sound.
• Three sizes of very soft flange-style tips are provided, for best fit and sound isolation.
• SA6’s swivel cable is detachable for easy replacement, and for use with Sleek’s wireless option, which is under development. The user doesn’t need a new set of earphones for wireless.
For value, versatility, and vitality, Sleek Audio’s SA6 stands out from the other upper bracket in ear headphones we’ve reviewed at MyMac, from Shure, Etymotic Research, and Ultimate Ears.
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Here is a Q & A discussion with the founders of Sleek Audio:
MYMAC: How many attempts until people will determine their best custom fittings for treble and bass ports?
SLEEK: It depends on the person. We have had quite a few customers pull the SA6 straight out of the box and never change it. We have had others on some of the online audio communities that seem to change it and compare notes and offer recommendations.
We want the typical consumer to wear it stock for a few days and listen to a number of songs then decide if they would like more or less bass or treble. This may take a few days or a few minutes it depends on the consumer.
It was never our intention to have people change it constantly but rather to find their “audio fingerprint†and simply enjoy the SA6.
MYMAC: Explain how that additional pair of included extended high frequency treble tuning ports is used. Are they instead of the ones in the primary packaging?
SLEEK: The additional tips are the result of consumer input. Part of the beauty of the SA6 is that we can easily change, update, or add on to the earphone. When consumers on asked for more highs we created this tip and included it in all packaging.
MYMAC: What about people who are all thumbs? How much dexterity is required for older or clumsy users to switch the ports around?
SLEEK: We have developed a removal tool for the treble tubes. This will make it significantly easier for the consumer. We have not had any reported problems from our older customers. We started in the hearing aid industry and we made sure to look at all market segments.
MYMAC: Does SA6 work with iPhone recessed audio jack, in addition to all generic and iPod jacks?
SLEEK: We have an iPhone compatible cable in development and it should be out shortly.
MYMAC: What are users to do if they don’t like your flexible flange tips? Is SA6 compatible with other companies’ tips? How about ordinary foam and/or compressible foam possibilities? Or silicone blobs?
SLEEK: Our first concern with the SA6 was to make sure it fit nearly any ear. We know the average ear has an opening of 8mm-12mm so we designed the three flanges to fit that spectrum. However, we found that tips from other companies do fit the SA6, and some customers prefer to go that route and use what they like the most. And our tips will often fit other companies’ products.
As of two weeks ago around 90% of users had been using the medium size flange, though now it seems the larger ones are becoming more popular. It really depends as some users prefer the earphones to go in deeper than others. As you know, the most important point is to make sure you have a good seal, which the different size tips allow virtually anyone to do.
MYMAC: Are all pieces and extras supposed to fit into that little round case? Why not include a small gadget bag for extras not being used?
SLEEK: We are looking into a small bag or case to hold the extras. The little case it comes with has a compartment to fit an extra set of bass ports and treble tubes.
MYMAC: What is your MSRP? Street pricing? Where to buy SA6?
SLEEK: The MSRP is $249.99 and that is holding up on the street price as well. We are constantly adding vendors worldwide to help consumers.
MYMAC: Who are you, and why are you taking the plunge as a new company into this crowded field of in-ear headphones?
SLEEK: Sleek Audio was born from a 20 year old hearing aid manufacture. We still sell and dispense hearing aids as well. We knew the market had some major players but we also saw that there was a huge void for high quality products in the $200-$300 price range.
We read thousands of posts and forums and what we learned was that everyone had a different opinion of how headphones and earphones should sound. For example, one person might like the bass of a brand and another person felt it was lacking bass. Or they loved the bright treble of brand X and the next person said it was painfully shrill.
Our experience in the hearing aid industry taught us that acoustically sound changes when you put an earphone in the ear, compared to over the ear. In addition that effect varies based on the anatomy of the user’s ear. We decided to develop an earphone that could be modified to fit an individual’s preference, including those who may have a hearing loss in one ear or both.
When we were designing the SA6 we put nearly a year into developing the acoustic chambers alone. This allowed us to test and find what most consumers wanted and to fill that need. We believe that is why when people compare our product they often compare it to models that are $350 – $500. We are the only product under $300 that is looked at in this light and we see it as quite a compliment.
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I used SA6 for a month without much deviation from the original flat-response treble or bass tuning ports. Fit, comfort, isolation, and audio delivery are first rate. I don’t have large ears, but I am happily using the large ear-tips without any complaint. Once you get accustomed to the swivel feature, you’ll wonder why no major manufacturers included it before now. Ditto for the full modular approach to design and customization of the earpieces.
These earphones are "reference" or "studio" quality, meaning music is delivered without enhancements. Sleek’s sound is superb.
SA6 are guaranteed for two years. An informative instruction manual is included in the package. There are no obvious "R" and "L" markings for right and left ears, so figure out your own way to know quickly which is which. Sleek’s rigid plastic round case is not a winner, and it needs to be improved or replaced.
Serious listeners should pay close attention to Sleek Audio’s SA6 and the company’s future products. MyMac applauds this fine in ear headphone’s innovation and excellence. If this commentary + Q&A was a review, SA6 would rate a strong recommendation in the vicinity of 4.5 out of 5. We plan to do an evaluative review when the wireless feature is available.
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