When we last left our fearless blogger, he had just escaped from being trapped inside a laundry room. Armed with his trusty screwdriver, he headed off the depths of the laundry room again, and wasn’t heard from for two weeks…
What a two week period that was. I’m not even sure where to start. Every time I thought I was going to be able to sit down and write a blog post, something else happened that changed the game yet again. I’m watching television right now, something I haven’t done in three months, and yes I have television now. I have three remote controls suddenly, I can’t remember what any of them do, and I’m pressing random buttons like I’m somebody’s grandpa. Oh, I have internet too. Real internet that works. My good friends at Time Warner somehow managed to waif on all three appointments they scheduled for me the day before I left for New Media Expo, but one fearless installer showed up the day after I got home and took care of business. He also wanted advice on buying his first Mac, wanted to know how much I was paying for my apartment, I think maybe he wanted to be my roommate. I’m not really sure. But my internet works now.
And that’s changed everything. The latest issue of iProng Magazine actually went out the door three days early (which is what happens when my internet works consistently and I can actually get that work done without having to trudge down to an internet cafe I don’t know how many times a day), we somehow managed to get Olympic gold medalist swimmer Natalie Coughlin on the cover, which wasn’t supposed to happen, not the day after the Olympics ended, but there you are. Don’t worry, the next issue is back to music on the cover – and it’s a band you’ve all heard of.
New Media Expo? Wow, it’s still a blur. I’m still catching up on my post-Expo networking, which is later than usual for me. I’ve got two stacks of business cards, and the one I’ve worked my way through is finally a little taller than the one that I’m still working on. Coverville 500 concert at the Expo? That was fun in too many ways to express here. I’ll have more to say about it once I can wrap my head around any of it, but that won’t be this week.
LeRoi Moore is dead. I just wrote a long, long tribute, and it’s still not all out of my system. I could write about Dave Matthews Band all day, but twenty-seven hundred words later and I still don’t know what to say about it.
I’ve got nothing to say about Apple’s rumored September 9th press event until I’m sure that they’re having one. I am sure, however, that the iPhone 2.0 software, even at 2.0.2, is unacceptably buggy and slow – to the point of making third party applications so useless that I’m not even using any of them. The only reason I haven’t downgraded to version 1.1.4 yet is that I’ve been too busy since I got home from the Expo. Busy in a good way, though.
Thank you, Time Warner, for giving me a remote control whose “Guide” button brings up a guide that isn’t really a guide, and whose “Exit” button doesn’t actually exit you from the guide that isn’t really a guide. And the off-putting Mario Brothers sound effects are a bonus. That kind of crap drives me nutty, and it’ll help prevent me from wasting too much time watching television. No sarcasm. I mean it. Too much potential here to accomplish too much to waste it sitting in front of the tube.
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