Rocks and Bones

That’s the title of my latest Web column over at I could just as well post it here, but I need to drive the numbers up at home — a question of survival at the moment. Anyway, here’s the blurb, and look for something new and different from me coming soon to MyMac:

[GRACK!] Rocks and Bones

“Overnight, there were bones everywhere.

What I loosely call the driveway was littered with them: big ones, a femur, a pelvis, a set of jawbones still joined at the chin. Cow bones, I figured, which meant Washtay was up to his old tricks again. That’s my neighbors’ dog, a large shaggy white and black beast with a ridiculously mild disposition. I’m told the name implies ‘good dog’ in Lakota, and I guess they ought to know, being sun dance devotees. ‘He has scars on his back,’ said another neighbor, speaking of the husband.”

Current column always here:

This column archived at:

I thank you all for your indulgence. Very soon, I promise, an actual discussion of Mac OS X audio adventures on an aging TiBook. I have the MZ-R50. I have the binaural mics. I have the iMic. Stand by …

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