Roaming loose on the North Hall floor

Roaming loose in the North Hall with no adult supervision.

This afternoon, I chewed through the leash, and took off by myself for the North Wing, home of the little guys (and some not so little).

I spoke at length with various developers and PR people, and have lined up a number of good reviews. Here’s a smattering of what you can look forward to from the Weeks Division of MyMac Labs.

Wiretap Studio from Ambrosia Software.

This little gem not only only allows you to capture any sound source on your Mac, but you can do a fair amount of sound editing once you’ve captured it. It’s a virtual patch bay for your Mac.

EOS wireless sound system for your iPod/iPod Touch.

It’s a base unit and wireless speakers with up to 150′ range. While the show floor is notoriously noisy, the EOS demo unit sounded good in spite if the background noise.

La Cie Key Max This is a little 30 GB hard drive in a credit card-sized unit. It’s a real hard drive, not a flash memory stick, so you get far better read/write performance. At $99, it costs more than a 32 GB flash drive, but it performs a lot better. No URL right now, but you can check out the bigger brother here:

SuperSync looks like it’s a hot utility for managing and synchronizing iTunes libraries. You can do all sort of fancy stuff, including syncing multiple iTunes libraries over the Internet. We’ll be looking closely at this one.

The livescribe Pulse Smartpen. This pen records both audio and your handwriting for later review. The demo was smashing. It shows how the Smartpen syncs the audio recording with what you were writing at the time! I wish I was back in school so I could use it everyday.

That’s just a taste of what we have in store.

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