Buying a new Mac is good for the soul.
It’s been seven years since I bought a new Mac.
What a wonderful morning. I bought the iMac in the computer section of a rather exclusive department store. They have a glamorous, sort of mini Apple store set up, with staff provided by Apple. We learned that the Macs now account for 70% of the computer sales in the store.
It felt like family, or maybe a private club. An exclusive enclave within the store. I think we came close to a group hug when we told them we’d been using Macs since 1987.
It had been my intention to get the wireless mouse and keyboard, but was told that in order to get the ‘package deal’ the computer and accessories have to be ordered from Apple as a unit. That would mean I’d have to wait 10 days. NO WAY!!! I was ready for delivery of my baby and I just couldn’t wait another day, let alone 10. Of course I could have bought the keyboard and mouse separately but that would have cost an extra $140 and that seemed silly. I compromised … standard wired keyboard and paid for a wireless mouse. As luck would have it, the store was having a special … $200 off the price if you purchased Applecare with the computer.
So here it is. My iMac 24″ 2.93Ghz in its box.
You’ll have to wait for in situ photos till I’ve cleared space on my desk. Maybe I should have bought the top model, but I always seem to decide that ‘2nd top model’ is most suitable for my purposes.
We missed a great photo opportunity (no camera with us) when the lovely young female salesperson put the box on a trolley and wheeled it downstairs for us. When we told her we were going home by bus, she wheeled it several hundred metres to our bus stop, which was an inspired move because we attracted a lot of attention on the way, with people calling out “that’s a great computer” and “you won’t be sorry you bought that”.
When we boarded the bus our driver added his congratulations … he being a Mac man too.
Now comes the migration of data etc. … gulp.
To be continued.
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