As previously reported here at MyMac, I had the great good fortune to receive a new MacBook, as a gift, mind you, delivered to me through the auspices of Small Dog Electronics. Yes, a MyMac sponsor. The identity of the donor isn’t relevant to this discussion, but the vendor is.
The MacBook soon developed logic board problems, and the trackpad button was defective. These things can happen with early production models, and I received permission to return the machine to Small Dog. Imagine my joy when I heard they were sending me brand new, factory sealed, warranty replacement model. But what arrived two days later was my old machine!
Now that’s a pretty goofy mistake. Shook me up pretty good too, as well it might. I fired off a salvo of emails and waited for Monday (today). The first response from my contact person felt a little off-putting in my paranoid state, but I persevered. Glory be, 90 minutes later came a phone call from Vermont: Small Dog Electronics couldn’t figure out how they’d accidentally sent my DOA MacBook right back to me, but they would make amends by sending me a new one via overnight delivery. Yay!
Whew. Thank God. Thank Small Dog. Thank everybody.
I’m very, very impressed. And there should be no talk of my getting any kind of special treatment because I write for MyMac.com, IMHO. Small Dog was on top of this throughout (except for first sending me my old machine and a perfectly good one back to Cupertino :-). Stuff happens, right? But the people at Small Dog answered every email and phone call I made almost immediately and treated me with complete courtesy and understanding every step of the way.
Your mileage may vary, as the saying goes, but man, it’s reassuring to deal with real people who treat you with respect. Small Dog rules, folks. And nobody paid me to say that, either!
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