Revolution is okay, but not Infidatah

There is a story at CNN about a Muslim football league where some of the players chose team names that were not politically correct. Click Here

One of the teams objected to is Intifada. This is ironic since the local soccer team is called Revolution. Evidently killing the king is okay, but if you use a muslim word to say the same thing (uprising) it is not.

To be fair, I think the name choices are unwise. Part of freedom of speech is mutual respect. Given the political realities of the moment, such loaded language is disrespectful.

Unfortunately, mocking others does seem to be a national pastime. Our President did it when campaigning by raising his hand and talking about the integrity of the office. The political left makes movies depicting Bush as a Nazi.Click HereAnd now a bunch of kids playing football over winter break is national news.

Some kids have dropped out of the league because they are now afraid for their safety.

Fear is such a cheap commodity. What we most need is the courage to trust. At a minimum, we need mutual respect. Instead, we have in abundance the fear of words and the habit of mocking each other.

The thing we like to mock most is somebody else’s false pride. On that score, here is my favorite item on Santa’s List. Click Here

I know, I’m being bad. Bush tries his best. It’s just that his best isn’t very good. He is the MicroSoft Windows of Presidents, a monopoly of mediocrity.

Back to football. Go Pats!

Do you think Joe Nameth will be giving any interviews again soon? He was very “happy” last week. He even wanted to give the female reporter a kiss. (She declined.)

Football should be about sports and fun, not politics.

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