1More Single Driver In-Ear Headphones
Company: 1More
Price: $29.99 USD
Like most of us, I’ve owned a heck of a lot of headphones in my life, so for me to find a pair that grabs and holds my attention is a big deal. I’m also reluctant to drop several hundred of my hard-earned dollars on a pair of headphones. I was very happy to see that 1More’s Single-Driver In-Ear Headphones fits those criteria in a big way.
When the review pair of the 1More Single Driver headphones arrived in the mail, I was struck by how quickly my 16-year-old son latched onto them. Like myself, he was impressed with the attractiveness and fit and finish of the packaging and just the look of the headphones themselves. They look sharp, to say the least. The packaging is reminiscent of the way Apple packages its own products, showing me that 1More actually cares about customer first impressions. I kept asking myself, ‘These are only $29.99? Wow!’
The metallic headphones are attractive to wear. I am also impressed with the headphones’ cable. Below the eye connection, the Kevlar-core cable is encased in a durable, yet sharp-looking deep-red nylon fabric. The three-button volume/mic control on the cable isn’t labeled, but that definitely seems to add a bit of minimalistic class to the product. 1More also includes four additional pairs of universal silicone tips, making finding the right fit for nearly any user a reality. Did I mention that the extra silicone tips are built into the headphone case. At first glance, it’s similar to the one provided by Apple with its universally-recognized white earbuds, but it’s tough and easy to use. My son, who has since absconded with the headphones, still stores the 1More Single Driver Headphones in the provided case every day.
With headphones, sound is a huge aspect of the user experience. Unlike some very popular headphones on the market today, the bass is not overpowering. In fact, no one aspect overpowers the listening experience. Moderation and easy listening are terms that describe the Single-Drivers well. The bass and treble do not overpower the mid range. Listening to vocals on podcasts is a pleasure. In a nutshell, 1More’s Single-Driver In-Ear Headphones are an amazingly great experience for the $29.99 price tag. It’s awesome!
If you’re looking to replace those tired old white earbuds that came with your iOS device, give 1More’s Single-Driver In-Ear Headphones a serious look. The price is right and so is the sound!
MyMac.com review rating: 9 out of 10