Across the United States schools have just finished for the year and kids are starting summer camp and families are going on summer vacation. That’s this week.
Next week we’ll be buying clothes for the winter and getting ready for school to start. At least that is what the department stores want you to do.
I was in a big name department store yesterday, and I overheard one of the employees mention that next week the back to school promotions start. My eyes almost popped out of my head. Next week??? Summer vacation just started!
When I was a kid the “Back to School” shopping season didn’t start until August. It was always depressing to see the ads in the paper advertising their back to school sales. It meant school was right around the corner.
Now, as a teacher, it is even more depressing to see the back to school sales starting earlier and earlier every year. Even when I wasn’t teaching I hated seeing those ads. It always meant the end of summer was coming.
Need a bathing suit? or how about a pair of shorts? or a water toy for the pool? You better move fast. Many places already have these on clearance and getting the Fall and Winter merchandise ready.
Retailers need to chill. Would it be that hard to actually sell Summer clothing and Summer merchandise in the Summer? That would be to logical!
This goes for any season of the year. I once needed new gloves in January. I had to go from mall to mall and store to store to find a pair of Winter gloves! They were already discontinued for the season!
I’m waiting for the day when school ends on a Friday and “Back to School” sales start the following Monday!
At this rate Halloween costumes should be on sale by the first week in August!
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