Responding to a reader about banned book week.

On the subject of Banned Book week, Mymac reader Matt supplied this link he came across

Thanks for reading and writing, Matt. So, if I have this right; Mr. Verm’s daughter was permitted to read an alternative book, and arrangements were made so that she, and another student could leave the classroom when the discussion of Fahrenheit 451 started. Do I have this right? Well, that was very accommodating of the school district. Those school officials deserve a pat on the back, for considering how parents feel, and for respecting the rights of all. But apparently, it’s not good enough for Mr. Verm. He wants Fahrenheit 451 pulled from the shelves. In other words, no one’s son / daughter should be reading it, because he objects to it.

As someone, somewhere once said, “A pattern emerges”.

Matt says “It’s like something out of The Onion.”

Yes, it does indeed.

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