Remembering the Lost Austin Band

That’s what I wrote about in my latest GRACK! column. I hope it’s fit to advertise on a family Mac site. The focus is on ’72-’74, you understand, so cut me a little slack, and I’ll cut you some too. Here’s the official blurb I sent out in my FarrFlash newsletter:

[GRACK!] Remembering the Lost Austin Band

“Oh my God, Austin in the early 70s … It was a different time, simpler for sure. Telephones had cords. Computers ran on stacks of IBM cards. You could tune your car by turning a screw on the carburetor, never think about the price of gas, and get around Austin without any traffic jams. Houses cost less than cars do now, and there were hardly any yuppies. Just remembering that is enough to make me cry, but even then, it was almost tragic. The writing was on the limestone walls. Places of indescribable natural beauty were routinely bulldozed and lost for all time. To some of us, this was a mortal sin that closed the gates on any hope of redemption. I’d say walk around town now and see if we were wrong, but you wouldn’t know the ghosts.”

Current column always here:

This column also archived here:

Don’t forget, you can download FREE MP3s of actual Lost Austin Band gig recordings at FarrSound, too:

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