Real Steals iPod’s Keys

Remember Real Player? (Those of you who have to work with PCs, that is.) Remember all those really annoying popups, and how Real Networks, via the Real Player, highjacked your computer to send you all that spam? Now they are playing dirty with the iPod. Read on:

“RealNetworks is expected to announce Monday that it has unlocked some of Apple Computer’s most tightly held technology secrets, giving its music a way onto the popular iPod digital music player.

The announcement is part of a broader release of RealNetworks software, which will let songs sold from the company’s online store play on a variety of portable devices, including the iPod and Microsoft-compatible rivals. RealNetworks has been selling songs from its digital song store since January, but the files could previously be played only on a few portable devices.

The new Harmony software, which RealNetworks said mimics the proprietary copy protection used in Apple’s iTunes store, is sure to be controversial. Apple has previously refused to provide licenses to companies seeking iPod compatibility, and RealNetworks did not seek permission before releasing its own version of iPod-friendly software.

“This is actually a natural extension to a decision we made two years ago with respect to different formats,” said RealNetworks Chief Strategy Officer Richard Wolpert. “We think consumer choice is going to win out over proprietary formats.”

RealNetworks’ move marks a step away from what had been an increasingly confusing world of incompatible digital music formats and devices.

Record companies and consumer groups have been deeply critical of technology companies’ decision to tie certain devices to specific music formats. Traditionally, CDs and DVDs have worked on any manufacturers’ players, they note, while music downloads have been tied to specific brands of devices.

Indeed, several record company executives praised RealNetworks’ independent steps to achieve compatibility with the iPod, even without Apple’s consent.

“Up to now, the world of downloads has been far too close to a world where the CD you buy in one store wouldn’t play on the CD player you bought in another,” Larry Kenswil, president of Universal Music’s eLabs division, said in a statement. “We applaud RealNetworks’ efforts to help correct this situation and appeal to all people and companies in this area to work toward a world of universal interoperability.”

Apple did not return requests for comment.”

(Source: CNet

Personally, I do not think this is legal for them to do so, but also, I do not see many iPod owners rushing to download music or media from Real. First of all, Real’s inferior formats will not sound as good as the native iPod format. Besides, Real’s interface is not only rubbish, but their service reeks of “screw-the-customer-at-all-costs.”

Of course there are PC owners who also own iPods. Guess this could be a way for them to experience popups and spam on their iPods, just like they do on their Windows boxes.

Happy Monday.

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