Due to a whole bunch of reasons (life sometimes becomes overwhelming) I was going to skip putting out an end of March/beginning of April column, but I changed my mind. Unfortunately due to those same types of things, and the editing challenges this particular column presented myself & others, it also ended up slipping until mid April. To finally get it out quickly, it’s on the blog half of MyMac.com instead of the feature side as normal. This time I’m do something a little different. It took longer than I expected to edit and it’s a bit of a challenge to read, but I hope you will enjoy it. Rather than the usual edited question-answer letters, I’m pulling back the curtain and showing the whole exchange – raw and (nearly) unedited. It’s pretty long, but it provides a good inside look into how this column comes into being. Thanks! Keep those emails coming! (Hope this works, because there’s a bug that doesn’t allow the blogs to be edited.)
That’s The Way, Uh Huh Uh Huh, It Just Is, Uh Huh Uh Huh
From: Michael L Johnson <---@-----.com>
Date: March 19, 2007 8:46:07 PM CDT
To: Tom Schmidt
Subject: Re: Some unsolved Mac Help Desk questions
Thanks for the reply.
#1) Yes, the PCI USB 2.0 card works fine with all USB devices I have tried. My
G4 will SLEEP and WAKE properly with card installed and no USB devices connected
and powered.
I just can’t SLEEP the G4 with anything connected to the card. But with a
connected and powered USB device it simply will not SLEEP correctly and will not
WAKE with no keyboard or mouse response and FORCED SHUT DOWN & reboot is only
way out.
#2) Thanks for comment on port number and I will certainly give that a shot on
the troublesome TRACEROUTE programs.
Best Regards and Thanks
>From: Tom Schmidt
>Date: March 19, 2007 3:18:10 PM CDT
>To: Michael L Johnson <---@-----.com>
>Subject: Re: Some unsolved Mac Help Desk questions
>Looks to me like you have pretty much figured it all out already. I have come
>across a lot of USB PCI cards of that vintage that simply will not allow a
>Power Mac G4 to sleep and wake, even if the vendor says it should as is the
>case with your IOGear card. From my experience, it seems to make a difference
>whether or not any USB devices are plugged into the card so it could be
>partially the bus and partially the USB devices. Does it make a difference if
>nothing is plugged in?
>As for the trace issue, my guess is that your router blocks port 33434. That’s
>the default for most tracers. Can you configure your router to block/unblock
>ports? If so, try opening up ports 33434-33534.
>Tom Schmidt
>On Mar 16, 2007, at 1:33 PM, Michael L Johnson wrote:
>>You asked for some HELP DESK type questions.
>>I have two perplexing problems that I have been unable to solve, several years
>>Verbose details below.
>>#1) Can’t WAKE from SLEEP with installed PCI USB 2.0 card
>>I have an older G4 my main Mac, a 2002 G4 933MHz QuickSilver, which did NOT
>>have USB 2.0 on the motherboard. I bought my daughter a 5th Gen iPod (the
>>Video iPod) which will sync ONLY via USB 2.0.
>>So I added a PCI USB 2.0 card. All devices I have tested work fine with the
>>card. Mine happens to be IOGear GIC251U.
>>But I can’t SLEEP the G4 and subsequently WAKE it successfully. If ANY USB
>>2.0 device is connected (did not test any USB 1.x devices) and powered and I
>>attempt SLEEP, the Mac screen dims, fans stay running, (I think HD still
>>spinning but not sure), and Mac will NOT WAKE. There is no response to
>>keyboard or mouse. Unplugging, plugging USB devices does nothing. ONLY way out
>>is to FORCE SHUT DOWN via power button. On reboot, all is well. This not fun
>>experience when the device is an iPod inadvertenty left connected and one must
>>FORCE SHUT DOWN with iPod still connected. Thus far I have not corrupted an
>>iPod yet this way.
>>I have found others with similar dilemma and no solution on internet help
>>sites and usenet. There appears to be a bug mostly in PCI bus architecture
>>more than it is OSX faults, where there is no procedure for devices to send
>>notification there is a reactivation on WAKE. That last statement is conjecture
>>but all I have found being discussed or offered as a possible explanation.
>>The problem seems widespread or ubiquitous with most or all PCI USB 2.0 cards.
>>Some users with other cards (Belkin) have claimed it works for them but no
>>further details are ever given. Others with Belkin cards say they still have
>>same problem. It may be case of if one has a Mac with USB 2.0 on the
>>motherboard the PCI card may then work. All I know is mine does not, and same
>>for many others with other cards. I think mine is NEC chipset but not sure.
>>Suggestions or advice?
>>#2) Can’t use most TRACEROUTE utilities with my router
>>My hardware:
>>older Cable modem with RoadRunner (shark fin 3COM) which likely is DOCIS 1.0
>>MIH 130A XRouter Pro by MacSense (Xsense.com)
>>problem occurs with all versions of OSX 10.0-10.4.8
>>G4 933 MHz
>>G4 iMac 1.25GHz
>>G4 450 MHz
>>Everything seems to work fine with this router & OSX fine including PING.
>>But I had and still am having trouble doing TraceRoute through my router under
>>OSX. After many months of frustration,finally OSX versions of TraceRoute
>>utilities did arrive that allowed choice of UDP (default) or ICMP, and ICMP
>>setting did finally allow TraceRoute to work through my router.
>>Does a UDP port need to be open in my router configuration to allow UDP
>>Traceroute to run correctly under UDP & OSX? What port number is that? What
>>feature or options do I set on my router for that?
>>I understand some people do have such problems through various routers.
>>I certainly am not an expert on network issues like this.
>>MacSense router worked fine as I recall (including traceroute) under OS9.22 and
>>earlier (but have not used OS9.x for some time and memory (between the ears
>>that is ) ) may be faulty and router works in OSX for everything but any
>>Traceroute utility defaulting to UDP.
>>I had a long exhausting search for a TraceRoute program utility that would
>>run under OSX working through my router under OSX. Even the TRACEROUTE
>>routine in Apple provided Apps/utilities/ Network Utility fails.
>>All attempts will start a TRACEROUTE and show only the first hop,
>>succeeding (the router) all all subsequent hops failing. I don’t recall
>>details from years ago, but these utilities may work by bypassing the router
>>and have a direct connection from Mac to cable modem without the router.
>>It took more than a year trying everything I could think of and nothing
>>worked, but IPNetMonitor 1.2x and WhatRoute 1.814 versions finally came out and
>>both of these (although they both use UDP protocol by default) do have a
>>feature to use ICMP for TraceRoute and when set to ICMP, the TraceRoute
>>function finally does work.
>>Current and earlier versions of various shareware, free & commercial
>>traceroute OSX programs have not and do not currently work through my router
>>under OSX:
>>GlobalTraceRoute, NetBarrierX3’s TraceRoute, and VisualRoute and the Apple
>>Network Utility all fail. None of these have any user setting or indication
>>for anything about a UDP or ICMP.
>>I just want to be able to use some other TraceRoute tools on occasion (like
>>the one in NetBarrier).
>>I have never found any solutions to either of these OSX related problems.
>>Neither are earthshaking but still annoying. The first problem the PCI USB 2.0
>>card SLEEP/WAKE problem, many other users are experiencing. The second
>>problem is likely specific to my router manufacturer or model and I have not
>>seen or found any other users posting a similar problem.
>>Thanks. Hope you have some ideas.
iBook, 2001-2007, R.I.P.
From: Gerald W Wennerstrom <---@-----.net>
Date: March 19, 2007 3:11:01 PM CDT
To: Tom Schmidt
Subject: Re: iBook
Hi Tom
Yep used is what I’m looking for. Its kinda of like cars with me, I’d rather
someone else take the hit of depreciation – that is if I can find one with low
Again thank you for your feedback, very much appreciated.
>From: Tom Schmidt
>Date: March 19, 2007 2:23:57 PM CDT
>To: Gerald W Wennerstrom <---@-----.net>
>Subject: Re: iBook
>Funny you should ask… I’m currently reassembling an original MacBook (Core
>Duo processor). Those have some issues, but not to the degree of your iBook.
>The current MacBook (the one with the Core 2 Duo processor) seems to be rock
>solid. Used iBook G4s are good too, if used is what you’re looking for.
>On Mar 19, 2007, at 2:18 PM, Gerald W Wennerstrom wrote:
>>Hi Tom
>>>Sorry to take so long to answer. I have a 6 year old, it’s income tax time,
>>>and a sickly mother. I’ve been a bit overwhelmed of late.
>>And you probably forgot to change the cat litter box too
>>Don’t worry about it I believe that everything happens at the right time for
>>the right reason.
>>>Unless you have experience disassembling laptops or electronics, especially
>>>similar iBooks, I would not consider it DIY. As for the odds of it
>>>happening again, I generally advise against fixing the white G3 iBooks once
>>>they are outside the 3 year period where Apple will repair them because in
>>>many cases I have seen the issue come back multiple times.
>>OK. That solves wanting to DIY it.
>>>The parts are refurbished & the parts for your particvular model no longer
>>>go through the refurbishment process due to Apple classifying that model as
>>Ah, there in lies the rub. Oh well.
>>>To get the data from your hard disk, assuming it is perfectly ok, it will
>>>have to be removed from the iBook. It can then be put in a FireWire case.
>>I’ll look into getting that done with the Firewire.
>>>Sorry for the gloom and doom.
>>No doom and gloom there. The iBook has served its purpose well, and now I can
>>get a newer one. Cool
>>Any of the other iBooks I should stay away from?
>>Answer after you’ve changed the litter box (that poor cat).
>>>From: Tom Schmidt
>>>Date: March 19, 2007 1:37:47 PM CDT
>>>To: Gerald W Wennerstrom <---@-----.net>
>>>Subject: Re: iBook
>>>Sorry to take so long to answer. I have a 6 year old, it’s income tax time,
>>>and a sickly mother. I’ve been a bit overwhelmed of late.
>>>Unless you have experience disassembling laptops or electronics, especially
>>>similar iBooks, I would not consider it DIY. As for the odds of it
>>>happening again, I generally advise against fixing the white G3 iBooks once
>>>they are outside the 3 year period where Apple will repair them because in
>>>many cases I have seen the issue come back multiple times. The parts are
>>>refurbished & the parts for your particvular model no longer go through the
>>>refurbishment process due to Apple classifying that model as obsolete.
>>>To get the data from your hard disk, assuming it is perfectly ok, it will
>>>have to be removed from the iBook. It can then be put in a FireWire case.
>>>Sorry for the gloom and doom.
>>>On Mar 9, 2007, at 10:22 AM, Gerald W Wennerstrom wrote:
>>>>Hi Tom
>>>>Thank you for the research, very much appreciated.
>>>>1) Are the two items difficult to replace via DIY.
>>>>2) If I have the IBook repaired what are the chances of it happening again?
>>>>.i.e. Will the new parts be upgraded ones and thus more dependable than
>>>>Apple’s OEM?
>>>>3) If I buy another iBook how do I retrieve my data on the G3?
>>>>>From: “Tom Schmidt”
>>>>>Date: March 9, 2007 8:37:42 AM CST
>>>>>To: Gerald W Wennerstrom <---@-----.net>
>>>>>Cc: Eolake Stobblehouse <---@-----.com>
>>>>>Subject: Re: iBook
>>>>>That model is an iBook (Dual USB), and it has known chronic issues with
>>>>>the logic board. The colored lines tell me this is the problem. All of
>>>>>the all white iBooks with a G3 processor (not the iBook G4) have this
>>>>>problem. You may also have a problem with the sleep switch/inverter
>>>>>cable. Apple no longer supplies service parts for this model. The best
>>>>>solution is to replace the computer. Sorry.
>>>>>I’ve attached a jpg from Apple UK showing the service provider’s closest
>>>>>to you. You should be able to get a repair estimate from them. Thank
>>>>>you. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
>>>>>———- Original Message ———————————-
>>>>>>From: Gerald W Wennerstrom <---@-----.net>
>>>>>>Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2007 13:02:43 +0000
>>>>>>Hi Eolake, Tom, Tim
>>>>>>Thank you for the follow up, any help is always greatly appreciated.
>>>>>>The SN is – UV12108GLCD
>>>>>>Model – M6497
>>>>>>I live in Ash, Kent CT3 2DG between Sandwich / Dover / Canterbury.
>>>>>>On 6 Mar 2007, at 05:24, Eolake Stobblehouse wrote:
>>>>>>>From what I recall from back when I had it, it crash immediately when
>>>>>>>one closed the lid without putting it to sleep first, it didn’t need time
>>>>>>>to heat up.
>>>>>>>Thank you, Tom.
>>>>>>>Jerry will have the serial no.
>>>>>>>>From: Tom Schmidt
>>>>>>>>Date: March 5, 2007 11:20:24 PM CST
>>>>>>>>To: Eolake Stobblehouse <---@-----.com>
>>>>>>>>Cc: Tim Robertson
>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: iBook
>>>>>>>>I can’t definitely say without looking at it, but it sounds like it is
>>>>>>>>not going to sleep when the lid is closed, but that it may be
>>>>>>>>overheating & crashing. If so, the sleep switch/inverter cable needs
>>>>>>>>to be replaced. If not, it may be the logic board. I can give a
>>>>>>>>better answer with the serial number & Jerry’s city.
>>>>>>>>On Mar 4, 2007, at 8:49 AM, Tim Robertson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>humm…. Not offhand. I am CC:ing Tom at MyMac, a certified Apple tech,
>>>>>>>>>who may have some ideas.
>>>>>>>>>On Mar 4, 2007, at 9:26 AM, Eolake Stobblehouse wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>Hi Tim
>>>>>>>>>>A couple of years ago I sold a used white iBook to a good friend
>>>>>>>>>>(cheap). I advised him to put it to sleep before closing the lid,
>>>>>>>>>>otherwise it would crash with lines running down the screen, and have
>>>>>>>>>>to be rebooted. Well, now he reports as below. Any idea how he might
>>>>>>>>>>try to salvage the machine?
>>>>>>>>>>At 09:35 +0000 4/3/07, Jerry wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>I accidentally closed the iBook yesterday without shutting it off
>>>>>>>>>>>and it crashed.
>>>>>>>>>>>I turned the power off, and restarted it only now I get a white
>>>>>>>>>>>screen only, or a white screen with vertical colored lines.
>>>>>>>>>>>Been to the forums and followed all the advice about resetting pram
>>>>>>>>>>>etc and to no avail.
>>>>>>>>>>>Did you ever experience this happening to you?
Stuff Just Won’t Do Stuff
From: Donny <---@-----.com>
Date: March 12, 2007 3:08:29 PM CDT
Subject: update
So here’s the latest.
The iSight started working again after the computer was off for some time (I
actually found an article that said this might fix it).
He had Mail issues, but that was due to the comcast tech telling him the wrong
settings! Go figure.
So, now all is well. Printer is printing, and everything seems to be okay.
Thanks for trying to help.
>From: donny <---@-----.com>
>Date: March 11, 2007 6:17:49 AM CDT
>To: Tom Schmidt
>Subject: Re: the saga continues
>I found some information on the iSight issue. It said unplug everything from
>the computer and reconnect.
>If that doesn’t do the trick I’m sending him to the Apple Store.
>I’ll let you know what happens.
>Thanks for the help.
>Tom Schmidt wrote:
>>Anything with an iSight built in shipped with a machine specific Tiger install.
>>Wrong disc used? Botched install? Bad internal drive? Combo of those? I
>>wish I could hook it up to my netboot.
>>On Mar 9, 2007, at 4:05 PM, Yankellow wrote:
>>>My friend went for a fresh install of OSX, and he installed the printer
>>>drivers, and he can print!
>>>Here’s the catch (or two):
>>>He opened PhotoBooth and everything is black. No image from the built-in
>>>I’m starting to think he needs a trip to Apple.
>>>He had trouble installing the printer drivers off his Epson CD with the
>>>internal drive. I told him to try off his external burner. The drivers
>>>installed fine.
>>>Any thoughts?
>>>>From: donny <---@-----.com>
>>>>Date: March 9, 2007 4:47:11 AM CST
>>>>To: Tom Schmidt
>>>>Subject: Re: more on my friend’s computer
>>>>We were going to try the printer on my laptop to eliminate the issue being
>>>>the printer going bad all of a sudden.
>>>>I’m really considering backing up all his stuff and do an erase and install.
>>>>I have a feeling he might have done something and doesn’t know it.
>>>>Tom Schmidt wrote:
>>>>>If it prints the Epson utility test page on the same Mac that it won’t
>>>>>print from I’m not sure what that means. If the Epson utility test page
>>>>>bypasses the print driver for a routine in the printer’s firmware it could
>>>>>be a driver issue. If the test page uses the driver then it would be an
>>>>>application issue. Epson could answer that question.
>>>>>Do you have a FireWire hard disk with Mac OS X on it to take his OS out of
>>>>>the loop?
>>>>>On Mar 8, 2007, at 11:20 AM, Yankellow wrote:
>>>>>>I just got back from my friend’s house to check out the messed up printer
>>>>>>situation. I can’t figure anything out.
>>>>>>I’ve narrowed it down to 2 options/possibilities. The printer
>>>>>>coincidentally died at some point during all this, or the computer has
>>>>>>something wrong.
>>>>>>I’m about to tell him to reformat the computer, and see what happens.
>>>>>>On Mar 8, 2007, at 4:47 AM, donny wrote:
>>>>>>>He reset and installed the drivers several times last night. No crashing
>>>>>>>of the program, but no printing.
>>>>>>>He was able to add the printer, but now it won’t print.
>>>>>>>It will run a test page from the Epson utility.
>>>>>>>Tom Schmidt wrote:
>>>>>>>>First the updates, then the “Reset Printing System” command?
>>>>>>>>On Mar 7, 2007, at 2:54 PM, donny wrote:
>>>>>>>>>I just finished walking him through the archive and install and pages
>>>>>>>>>doesn’t quit anymore, but he can’t add his printer to the list. He’s
>>>>>>>>>reinstalled the drivers several times, he goes to printer utility, the
>>>>>>>>>printer is listed, but when he clicks it- add will not become
>>>>>>>>>I’m running out of ideas.
>>>>>>>>>I’m having him run software update until he can’t run it anymore, and
>>>>>>>>>I’m hoping that does the trick.
>>>>>>>>>Any other ideas?
>>>>>>>>>>From: donny <---@-----.com>
>>>>>>>>>>Date: March 6, 2007 4:34:05 AM CST
>>>>>>>>>>To: Tom Schmidt
>>>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: crash log
>>>>>>>>>>Thanks! I’ll let you know.
>>>>>>>>>>Tom Schmidt wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>It looks like the file that’s consistently crashing is
>>>>>>>>>>>/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework. An
>>>>>>>>>>>archive/install should do the trick.
>>>>>>>>>>>On Mar 4, 2007, at 12:52 PM, Yankellow wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Here’s the Pages crash log from my friend’s computer who is having
>>>>>>>>>>>>printer issues. It means nothing to me, but if you see anything let
>>>>>>>>>>>>me know.
Tom has been a service technician with First Tech Computer in Minneapolis, Minnesota, one of the most highly regarded Apple Specialist dealers in the US, since 1994. Previous to that, Tom was the systems manager & a graphic designer for a small marketing firm from 1990 to 1992, then worked in technical & product support with Mirror Technologies & Envisio for 2 years.
Send your questions to tom@mymac.com. He will personally reply to each message when received and select letters will be included in the MyMac.com Help Desk column.
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