Radio Reviews

First of all, a BIG “Thank you!” to MyMac’s Jeffrey McPheeters for making it all possible. The whole episode is a brilliant example of what can be easily and quickly accomplished with Apple technology, too.

At any rate, this is a real pleasure, folks. My dramatic readings yesterday on KTAO-FM here in Taos (“The world’s most powerful solar radio station“) are a smash hit. Just have a look, then visit the links below to listen for yourselves.

“I listened to the whole interview, and found myself mesmerized by your readings. Personally, I don’t think it gets much better than hearing stories or poetry read aloud. For all your imagination, hearing someone read the words with emotion, only adds to the experience. I was enthralled!”

“I loved it, what great writing. And your reading is even better than reading it myself. Thanks for letting us listen in. It was a real treat.”

“Very intriguing stories. I loved your voice as well as the material.”

“You’ve got a good radio voice, you know. Something on the order of Garrison Keillor — no shit! Although you don’t have that gravelly thing he has, you certainly sound poised and confident and are an easy listen.”

“… you were killer on the air, you have the voice and the energy, the sense of drama. It’s another perfect medium for you, it really is.”

“I’ve been reading pretty well everything John has written for the past 6 years and I was amazed to find how much better the writings are when read by himself.”

For a downloadable MP3 recording compressed in <.zip> or <.hqx> format for Windows or Mac OS, please visit this page:

Additionally, a QuickTime stream is accessible here:

[PC and Mac users can download the latest free QuickTime software at]

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