quick ‘toon

Yes Todd isn’t the only cartoonist around here, just the only competent one. I realize that my handskill is non existant and that just by blogging this I am, in no small way, embarrassing myself. On the other hand, it cracked me up.

On a side note: It’s highly important to watch what you e-mail folks. Lest they post it to a list and make you feel pretty stupid for the forseeable future. I made the mistake of sending something specifically to one person and having published to a list, I wrote it so I’ll guess I live with the associated embarassment and unintended offense it probably caused others (I apologise, my mistake for bringing up the Bible).

From now on all my embarassing/offensive stuff will go straight to the blog, that way I know anyone can read it. In fact, let’s get started with something embarassing and offensive:

When I was sixteen I masturbated… A LOT
the astute reader will now wonder about the handskill assertion above…

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