Queues in Apple Store Cambridge

I just had a lovely chat with one of the Apple Store employees. Rebecca, who happened to speak fluent German, was friendly to let me know that folk are queueing for the iPhone. She also made clear her dislike for the white iPhone, which she was handling, while pointing out how “cool” she thought the phone to be.

In my humble opinion the iPhone looks more beautiful than before, the curved back is gorgeous. They’ve got 5 white and 5 black iPhones 3G on display, though I find the black ones to look a lot nicer.

There also seems a problem with the 3G coverage – the iPhones I was looking at showed the icon but couldn’t connect to the internet or AppStore, while the iPhone touch I picked up worked beautifully.

The queue isn’t terribly long, maybe 30 people, but activation problems have made people come back today and the queue is moving slowly. The activation still might take 24 hours.

You hear a lot of “thank you for your patience” and folk are indeed patient. While they queue every so often someone tries to sell them a MobileMe – maybe Apple should just throw in 6 months service for the inconvenience. At the end of it, no one will be able to do without any more 🙂

A new experience for me, to be at an Apple Store so shortly after a product launch…

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