Prosoft Picture Rescue 2 – Review

Picture Rescue 2
Prosoft Engineering
Price: $20.


There are many ways to lose your digital photos. The easiest way is to format your camera’s memory card, which erases everything and makes room for new images. You can also lose files when something goes awry while transferring file from your camera to your computer. Sooner or later, many of us discover that we want some of those erased photos back. That’s when you should reach for Picture Rescue 2, a utility that scans your SD card and reconstructs any files that haven’t been overwritten by new files.

Negri Pic Resc screen

To use Picture Rescue 2, simply insert your SD card into a card reader and launch the application. Select your card from the list that appears (it will be the only thing on the list), then click on Scan. Depending on the size of your SD card, you can probably leave for work and come home and it might be done. I started a scan of a 32GB card at noon and it finished scanning at 8:30 p.m. It managed to reconstruct 716 files, which I could then save to disk. You have the option of batch restoring everything or selecting individual files.The next day I scanned a 4GB card and after two hours the application finished its work and reconstructed three files.

Picture Rescue 2 is compatible with all major camera manufacturers and can recover files no matter whether they’re GIF, JPG, Tiff or PNG, among other formats. The application works on Macs and PCs. See sample screen shots at the company’s product page, linked above.


MyMac Review Rating is 7 out of 10. Our score would be higher if the utility ran faster.

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