President XXX

So two Democrats are already vying to be the next Democratic candidate for the white house in 2008. Is it just me, or does it feel like we just went through an election? Oh, yeah, we did. And here we go again already. Sigh.

Speaking of the two Democrats, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, I just don’t see either as a viable candidate. I don’t think Clinton is electable at all, and would probably be trounced by Richard Nixon if he rose up from the dead wearing horns and carrying a pitchfork. Sorry, she just is not electable on almost every level. Not because she is a woman. Hell, I personally think it is time for our country to be lead by a woman. But Hillary is too polarizing. People either love her or hate her, there is no in between. She also said she was not running for the New York Senate seat to eventually make a bid for the White House, and now I think everyone knows better. She is simply not electable, and has less than zero chance of ever becoming President.

Obama is different. The problem I have with him, honestly, is I don’t know enough about him. The press seems to be in love with him, and no one (even Fox) has really explored him enough to give me a picture of him. If this guy is running for President, the press needs to stop treating him like a Rock Star, and give us some real information and investigation on him.

The Republicans seems to have two front runners, both of whom are electable and well-liked: John McCain and Rudy Giuliani. McCain’s pro-war stance in Iraq will probably be his downfall, and Giuliani has had too many problems in “family values” to win in the bible belt. Still, at this point, I think that they would make a great ticket together.

Your thoughts? Who should run? Too early for us to think about?

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